導覽影片>Hach Orbisphere 6110 Total O₂/CO₂ Package Analyzer 專為飲料產線品管而設計,直接對飲料瓶罐內容物分析,完成最終點的飲料生產品管
4分鐘影音介紹 快速掌握重點 : Final Product Quality Control in the Brewery - 無須備製樣品直接對飲料瓶罐內容物分析有效避免操作干擾確保檢測數據完整性
Find out how the Hach Orbisphere Total Package Analyzer is an ideal solution for final beverage package analysis. Designed for At-line operation so you don't lose time taking samples. The unique gas phase technology eliminates all direct contact of the sensing elements with any liquids.
  • 氣相分析允許最低限度之維護
  • 準確TPO和CO2分析
  • 簡單,按鍵式操作,可重複分析,直覺式觸控螢幕
  • 可測量各種形狀與尺寸之飲料罐/瓶
  • Accuracy in detecting oxygen + CO2
  • Measures headspace and liquid in bottles + cans
  • Gas phase measurements
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