Hach協助位於新加坡樟宜, 全球最大和最先進的再生水廠之一, 符合更嚴格污水排放量標準同時有效降低費用
Hach helps one of the largest and most advanced reclamation facilities in the world fulfill stricter discharge contents while reducing costs in Changi, Singapore
(Source: Hach Singapore)
This wastewater plant in Changi comprises a 48km long deep tunnel sewer running from Kranji to Changi, a centralised plant at Changi, two 5 km long deep sea outfall pipes and 60km of link sewer. The facility is already one of the largest and most advanced facilities of its kind in the world. The plant occupies only 32 hectares, just one-third the equivalent footprint of a conventional plant.
- Influent pumping station is 60m deep and receives wastewater from newly constructed sewerage tunnel.
- This plant is one of the largest and most advanced reclamation facilities in the world.
- Total capacity is 800,000 cubic meters (176 million gallons) daily
The challenges faced for this customer, is that being the largest and most advanced reclamation facilities, we have to use advanced technology to monitor the water, to create the perfect output. The operator may be flying blind and may not discover problems until long after it develops, therefore operator might not know what have happened.
Client tested on parameters like DO, nitrate, turbidity, TOC and etc., As the leading water quality expert, Hach provides client with the solutions to develop and provide world’s best water analysis instrumentation and control system.
Hach is proud to be the choice for clients’ water quality testing solution provider.