超純水的微量溶解氮濃度監測 Trace-level dissolved nitrogen (DN2) measurement in ultrapure water
Trace-level dissolved nitrogen (DN2) measurement in ultrapure water and other liquids
超純水和其他液體的微量溶解氮 (DN2) 濃度測量
超純水和其他液體的微量溶解氮 (DN2) 濃度測量
Application Description 應用描述
The semiconductor industry is finding an increased need to measure dissolved nitrogen at low concentrations in ultrapure water and other liquids used in wafer fabrication. At present, concentrations of dissolved nitrogen are generally of 1 ppm or higher, but planned improvements in semiconductor devices may require reduction in concentrations to levels well below 1 ppm.
The concern is that DN2, if present in sufficient concentration, may come out of solution and form small gas bubbles that can be detrimental—or ruinous—to fabricated devices.
The semiconductor industry is finding an increased need to measure dissolved nitrogen at low concentrations in ultrapure water and other liquids used in wafer fabrication. At present, concentrations of dissolved nitrogen are generally of 1 ppm or higher, but planned improvements in semiconductor devices may require reduction in concentrations to levels well below 1 ppm.
The concern is that DN2, if present in sufficient concentration, may come out of solution and form small gas bubbles that can be detrimental—or ruinous—to fabricated devices.
半導體產業對晶圓製造中使用的超純水和其他液體中低濃度溶解氮的測量需求日益增加。目前,溶解氮的濃度通常為 1 ppm 或更高,但半導體裝置的計畫改善可能需要將濃度降低至遠低於 1 ppm 的濃度。
不過,如果 DN2 的濃度足夠高,它可能會從溶液中釋出並形成小氣泡,這些小氣泡可能會對製造的設備造成損害,甚至是毀壞。
不過,如果 DN2 的濃度足夠高,它可能會從溶液中釋出並形成小氣泡,這些小氣泡可能會對製造的設備造成損害,甚至是毀壞。
In order to satisfy industry requirements for sub-ppm N2 measurements, Orbisphere has introduced a new DN2 measurement system with the following special features:
• Patented spiral flow chamber insert to maximize linear flow velocity with low flow volume
• Silicone disc to improve sample access to sensor membrane, thereby further reducing flow dependence
The measurement is made by means of a small, solid-state, thermal conductivity sensor that is isolated from the liquid or gas sample by a thin, gas-permeable membrane.
• Patented spiral flow chamber insert to maximize linear flow velocity with low flow volume
• Silicone disc to improve sample access to sensor membrane, thereby further reducing flow dependence
The measurement is made by means of a small, solid-state, thermal conductivity sensor that is isolated from the liquid or gas sample by a thin, gas-permeable membrane.
為滿足產業界對 sub-ppm N2 測量的要求,Hach Orbisphere 新型 DN2 感測系統提供以下特殊功能:
- 專利的螺旋流通室,在低流量的情況下將線性流速最大化
- 矽膠盤可改善水樣流入感測器膜,進而進一步降低對流量的依賴度
透過一個小型, 固態, 熱傳導感測器進行測量,感測器透過一層薄的、可透氣的薄膜與液體或氣體樣品隔離。
Installation Recommendations 安裝建議
DN2 measurement instruments are available in a transportable or panel-mount configuration. Measurements are made off-line through a flow chamber (or two, if O2 is also measured), which is connected to the sample and drain with ¼” or 6-mm tubing.
An external temperature sensor is also attached to the sample tubing close to the flow chamber(s). The user may wish to supply flow measurement device on the output side of the flow chamber. Detailed instructions are included with each system.
DN2 measurement instruments are available in a transportable or panel-mount configuration. Measurements are made off-line through a flow chamber (or two, if O2 is also measured), which is connected to the sample and drain with ¼” or 6-mm tubing.
An external temperature sensor is also attached to the sample tubing close to the flow chamber(s). The user may wish to supply flow measurement device on the output side of the flow chamber. Detailed instructions are included with each system.
DN2 溶解氮分析儀有可移動式或面板安裝式配置。

- Direct, simple, continuous measurement down to 100 ppb of DN2 直接、簡單、連續測量最低至 100 ppb濃度的溶解氮
- Solid-state sensor minimizes drift, and reduces typical maintenance requirement to minutes per year 固態感測器將漂移最小化,並將日常維護量減少到每年僅需幾分鐘
- Needs only 50 ml/min sample flow (or less) for reduced waste 僅需 50 ml/min 的水樣流量(或更少)以減少浪費
- No interference from CO2 不受二氧化碳干擾
- Optional add-on dissolved oxygen measurement capability 可選購附加溶氧量測量功能
Optional O2 Measurement 氧測量功能可選購
A two-channel version of the trace level dissolved nitrogen measurement system includes O2 measurement. This cost-effective solution makes a highly accurate correction for the presence of O2 in trace-level DN2 measurements, and processes the information on a single indicating instrument. The O2 sensor uses a simple air-calibration method and requires minimal maintenance.
A two-channel version of the trace level dissolved nitrogen measurement system includes O2 measurement. This cost-effective solution makes a highly accurate correction for the presence of O2 in trace-level DN2 measurements, and processes the information on a single indicating instrument. The O2 sensor uses a simple air-calibration method and requires minimal maintenance.
雙通道版本的微量溶解氮測量系統包括O2氧測量。此高經濟效益的方案可以對微量 DN2 測量中的氧的存在進行高準確度校正,並於同一台儀器上處理監測資訊。 O2 超純水感測器使用簡單的氣體校正方法,維護量極低。

Source :
Trace-level Dissolved Nitrogen (DN2) Measurement in Ultrapure water and other liquids_DOC043.53.30786
Application Notes (0.20 MB) Feb25
Application Notes (0.20 MB) Feb25