應用實績>Hach NT3X00 UV紫外線系列感測器自動監測污水中亞硝酸鹽和硝酸鹽 Nitrite and Nitrate Measurement with NT3 Series UV Sensors

Background 背景介紹
One of the common goals at a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) is the reduction of nitrogen, as it has negative effects on the water bodies it discharges into such as eutrophication, fish toxicity, and high oxygen consumption. To ensure that the nitrogen concentration in the WWTP discharge meets the regulated limits, the nitrification and denitrification processes require optimal control. Therefore, instrumentation needs to be placed in the relevant locations of the plant to measure the different forms of nitrogen to achieve a stable and costeffective plant operation. Hach® offers a solution to measure nitrate (NO3) and nitrite (NO2) with Hach’s NT3100sc UV Nitrate and NT3200sc UV Nitrate and Nitrite Sensors for process control and monitoring.
One of the common goals at a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) is the reduction of nitrogen, as it has negative effects on the water bodies it discharges into such as eutrophication, fish toxicity, and high oxygen consumption. To ensure that the nitrogen concentration in the WWTP discharge meets the regulated limits, the nitrification and denitrification processes require optimal control. Therefore, instrumentation needs to be placed in the relevant locations of the plant to measure the different forms of nitrogen to achieve a stable and costeffective plant operation. Hach® offers a solution to measure nitrate (NO3) and nitrite (NO2) with Hach’s NT3100sc UV Nitrate and NT3200sc UV Nitrate and Nitrite Sensors for process control and monitoring.
污水處理廠(WWTP)的目標之一是降低氮的濃度,因為它對其排放的水體有負面的影響,例如:優養化、魚類毒性和高耗氧量。 為確保污水處理廠排放水中的氮濃度符合標準限值,硝化和反硝化過程需要進行最佳的控制。 因此,需要在汙水處理廠的相關放置安裝監測儀器來測量不同形式的氮,以達到穩定並且具成本效益的運作。 Hach提供能夠同時測量硝酸鹽(NO3)和亞硝酸鹽(NO2)的最新解決方案,透過Hach的NT3100sc UV 紫外線系列 水中硝酸鹽濃度感測器,和NT3200sc UV 紫外線系列 水中硝酸鹽和亞硝酸鹽濃度感測器來進行水處理程序監控。
Elimination of Nitrogen in Wastewater去除廢水中的氮
Mainly organic nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen are present in the inlet of a WWTP. Through the ammonification process, organic nitrogen turns into ammonium. This process already starts in the sewage system and continues in the treatment plant. When nitrogen arrives in the inlet of the biological stage, it is largely transformed into ammonium. During nitrification, ammonium will be oxidized via nitrite to nitrate. That oxidation process requires oxygen. In denitrification, nitrate will be converted to nitrogen gas that can leave the system. Nitrite can be an intermediate product in this process. Denitrification can be done pre-aeration, post-aeration, simultaneous or intermittently. Sufficient amount of easily bio-degradable carbon, optimized internal recirculation and absence of dissolved oxygen should be maintained at all times for successful denitrification. Figure 1 illustrates the removal process during denitrification and nitrification.

Online sensors 線上自動監測儀
The online sensors NT3100sc and NT3200sc are based on optical UV measurement methods and are available as a single-parameter-sensor (NT3100sc) or dual-parameter-sensor (NT3200sc). While the NT3100sc measures combined nitrite and nitrate, the NT3200sc quantifies nitrite and nitrate levels individually. The different path lengths (1 mm, 2 mm and 5 mm) allow the sensor to be applied not only in municipal wastewater but also in industrial wastewater, drinking water, and water reuse processes. Due to the integrated self-cleaning wiper, only minimal maintenance is required to prevent the optical system from being fouled by films and biological growth. Through turbidity compensation, the risk of measurement errors by interference is reduced to a minimum.
The online sensors NT3100sc and NT3200sc are based on optical UV measurement methods and are available as a single-parameter-sensor (NT3100sc) or dual-parameter-sensor (NT3200sc). While the NT3100sc measures combined nitrite and nitrate, the NT3200sc quantifies nitrite and nitrate levels individually. The different path lengths (1 mm, 2 mm and 5 mm) allow the sensor to be applied not only in municipal wastewater but also in industrial wastewater, drinking water, and water reuse processes. Due to the integrated self-cleaning wiper, only minimal maintenance is required to prevent the optical system from being fouled by films and biological growth. Through turbidity compensation, the risk of measurement errors by interference is reduced to a minimum.
Hach 線上感測器 NT3100sc UV Nitrate Senaor 和 NT3200sc UV Nitrate and Nitrite Sensor根據光學UV測量方法:NT3100sc為單參數的感測器,或NT3200sc為雙參數的感測器。 NT3100sc UV Nitrate sensor 測量亞硝酸鹽和硝酸鹽,而 NT3200sc UV Nitrate and Nitrite Sensor 個別量化亞硝酸鹽和硝酸鹽的濃度。 不同的光程長度(1毫米、2毫米和 5毫米)讓感測器不僅可以應用於民生汙水,還可應用於工業廢水、飲用水和中水回收。 由於整合自動清潔擦拭器,僅需極少量的維護即可防止光學系統被薄膜和生物生長污染。 透過濁度補償,可將干擾引起的測量誤差風險降至最低。
Both NT3100sc and NT3200sc are compatible with Hach’s SC controllers and ClarosTM which supports facility operators and staff with data management and trouble-free operation. Realtime data empowers operators and staff to see process changes early, and to adjust appropriately to avoid upsets.
With the simple handling and easy installation, the sensor is immediately ready for use.
With the simple handling and easy installation, the sensor is immediately ready for use.
NT3100sc UV Nitrate Sensor 和 NT3200sc UV Nitrate and Nitrite Sensor感測器操作簡單,安裝方便,可立即上線使用,與 Hach SC系列數位控制器和 ClarosTM雲端系統 相容,Claros智慧水務數位管理雲端系統 支援廠區操作人員和管理人員進行數據管理和無故障運行。 即時監測數據讓操作人員和管理人員能夠盡早看到處理程序的變化,並採取適當的調整以免影響運作。

Applications in Municipal Wastewater Treatment 民生汙水處理廠之應用
The following table details suitable applications for nitrite and nitrate measurements with the NT3100sc and/or NT3200sc sensors.
The following table details suitable applications for nitrite and nitrate measurements with the NT3100sc and/or NT3200sc sensors.
下表詳述NT3100sc 和/或 NT3200sc 感測器監測亞硝酸鹽和硝酸鹽於汙水處理廠各處理階段之應用與目的

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