紫外線透射和紫外線吸收方法的區別 The Difference Between UV Transmission and UV Absorbance
The Difference Between UV Transmission and UV Absorbance 紫外線透射和紫外線吸收方法的區別
By Melody White, Application Development Manager, Hach
Carlos Williams, Application Development Manager, Hach
Many UV instruments, like the DR 6000 Spectrophotometer and online UVAS plus sc probe from Hach, offer two methods using the UV/254 nm wavelength for measuring organic constituents in a water sample: UV transmission (UVT) and UV absorbance (A254). At first glance, the methods appear to be complementary to each other.
許多UV紫外線分析儀器,例如 Hach 的 DR 6000 紫外線可見光分光光度計 和 UVAS plus sc紫外線吸收法有機物感測器,提供兩種使用紫外線/254 nm 波長測量水樣中有機成分的方法:紫外線透射 (UVT) 和紫外線吸光度 (A254)。 乍看之下,這些方法似乎是互補的。
許多UV紫外線分析儀器,例如 Hach 的 DR 6000 紫外線可見光分光光度計 和 UVAS plus sc紫外線吸收法有機物感測器,提供兩種使用紫外線/254 nm 波長測量水樣中有機成分的方法:紫外線透射 (UVT) 和紫外線吸光度 (A254)。 乍看之下,這些方法似乎是互補的。
This is true as the UV/254 Transmission Method measures the light transmitted or passed through a sample while the UV/254 Absorbance Method (A254) measures the amount of UV light that is absorbed by the sample.
UV/254 透射法測量透射或穿過水樣的光,而 UV/254 吸光度法 (A254) 測量水樣吸收的紫外線量。
UV/254 透射法測量透射或穿過水樣的光,而 UV/254 吸光度法 (A254) 測量水樣吸收的紫外線量。
However, while both methods are often referenced as measuring organic constituents, the models for each method have different applications and it is important to understand the meaning and use of the value obtained.

Background 背景
When light is passed through a sample, a portion of the light is absorbed or scattered by substances present in the sample. The amount of light energy exiting the sample is less than the initial incident light applied.
當光通過水樣時,一部分的光被水樣中存在的物質吸收或散射。 離開水樣的光能量小於最初進入的入射光。
When light is passed through a sample, a portion of the light is absorbed or scattered by substances present in the sample. The amount of light energy exiting the sample is less than the initial incident light applied.
當光通過水樣時,一部分的光被水樣中存在的物質吸收或散射。 離開水樣的光能量小於最初進入的入射光。
The light reaching the detector is the transmitted light (IT) or transmittance. The ratio of the transmitted light (IT) to the incident light (IO) is the transmittance (T) expressed as %T.
到達偵測器的光是透射光 (IT) 或透射率。 透射光 (IT) 與入射光 (IO) 的比率是透射率 (T),表示為 %T。
到達偵測器的光是透射光 (IT) 或透射率。 透射光 (IT) 與入射光 (IO) 的比率是透射率 (T),表示為 %T。
UVT is assumed to mean the %T at 254 nm unless noted otherwise.
除非另有說明,否則假定 UVT 表示 254 nm 處的 %T。
除非另有說明,否則假定 UVT 表示 254 nm 處的 %T。
The incident light that is absorbed or scattered by the sample is called the absorbance (A). The absorbance and transmittance values are related by the logarithmic equation of A = log(1/T).
被水樣吸收或散射的入射光稱為吸光度(A)。 吸光度和透射率值與 A = log(1/T) 的對數方程式關聯。
被水樣吸收或散射的入射光稱為吸光度(A)。 吸光度和透射率值與 A = log(1/T) 的對數方程式關聯。
To determine which method to use, one needs to ask if you need to measure the amount of light reaching the detector (typical in a UV disinfection application) or if you are interested in measuring the properties of the sample that are absorbing the 254 nm light (typical in controlling disinfection byproducts).
要確定使用哪種方法,需要知道是否需要測量到達偵測器的光量(通常於紫外線消毒應用),或者您是否有興趣測量吸收 254 nm 光的水樣特性 (通常用於控制消毒副產物)。
要確定使用哪種方法,需要知道是否需要測量到達偵測器的光量(通常於紫外線消毒應用),或者您是否有興趣測量吸收 254 nm 光的水樣特性 (通常用於控制消毒副產物)。
UV Transmission Method: UV Disinfection Applications 紫外線透射方法:紫外線消毒應用
The UV transmission method is used where there is a need to measure the amount of light reaching a detector or sensor.
UV 透射法用於測量到達偵測器或感測器的光量的情況。
The UV transmission method is used where there is a need to measure the amount of light reaching a detector or sensor.
UV 透射法用於測量到達偵測器或感測器的光量的情況。
For example, this method would be used to determine the UV lamp output settings on continuous flow UV reactors. The UVT value is also used for the compliance monitoring of UVT analyzer calibrations and in the determination of UVT water quality characteristics for designing UV treatment facilities. These applications require UVT values of the water to insure the UV light dose delivery is sufficient to inactivate pathogenic microorganisms and to verify that UVT analyzers are properly calibrated so the analyzers accurately measure and control the intensity of the UV/254 light being delivered.
例如,此方法將用於測定連續流動 UV 反應器上的 UV 燈輸出設定。 UVT 值也用於 UVT 分析儀校正的符合法規標準監測,以及測定UVT 水質特性以設計 UV 處理設施。這些應用需要取得水的 UVT 值,以確保提供的 UV 光劑量足以鈍化病原微生物,並驗證 UVT 分析儀是否經過適當校正,以便分析儀能準確測量和控制所傳送的 UV/254 光的強度。
例如,此方法將用於測定連續流動 UV 反應器上的 UV 燈輸出設定。 UVT 值也用於 UVT 分析儀校正的符合法規標準監測,以及測定UVT 水質特性以設計 UV 處理設施。這些應用需要取得水的 UVT 值,以確保提供的 UV 光劑量足以鈍化病原微生物,並驗證 UVT 分析儀是否經過適當校正,以便分析儀能準確測量和控制所傳送的 UV/254 光的強度。
It is important to note that in these types of unfiltered samples, the UVT value is determined by the sample color, turbidity, particles and the soluble organic or inorganic compounds present in the water. A full list of interferences and additional precautions is given in the “Organic Constituents UV Absorbing (UV-254), Method 10054” DR 6000 procedure manual (more information at www.hach.com).
值得注意的是,在這些未經過濾的水樣中,UVT 值由水樣的顏色、濁度、顆粒和水中存在的可溶性有機或無機化合物而決定。 DR 6000 程序手冊“有機成分 UV 吸收 (UV-254),測試方法 10054” 提供了干擾物和其他預防措施的完整清單(詳見 www.hach.com)。
值得注意的是,在這些未經過濾的水樣中,UVT 值由水樣的顏色、濁度、顆粒和水中存在的可溶性有機或無機化合物而決定。 DR 6000 程序手冊“有機成分 UV 吸收 (UV-254),測試方法 10054” 提供了干擾物和其他預防措施的完整清單(詳見 www.hach.com)。
UV Absorbance Method: Disinfection Bypass Control
The UV Absorbance Method (A254) is commonly used to characterize the organic constituents in a water sample.
紫外線吸光度法 (A254) 通常用於表示出水樣中的有機成分。
The UV Absorbance Method (A254) is commonly used to characterize the organic constituents in a water sample.
紫外線吸光度法 (A254) 通常用於表示出水樣中的有機成分。
Research has shown that the organic compounds absorbing at 254 nm have a greater tendency to form chlorinated disinfection byproducts when contacted with chlorine in the disinfection of drinking water.
研究顯示,在波長 254 nm 處吸收的有機化合物在飲用水消毒時與氯接觸更容易形成氯化消毒副產物。
研究顯示,在波長 254 nm 處吸收的有機化合物在飲用水消毒時與氯接觸更容易形成氯化消毒副產物。
Source waters can be monitored for major changes in quality, or for DBP formation potential. With the lab A254 method, turbidity and particles in the water that absorb or scatter the 254 nm light are first remove by filtering through a 0.45 micron filter prior to making the absorbance measurement. Using the continuous monitoring UVAS, the turbidity and particles in the water are compensated by a reference wavelength, so filtration is not necessary.
可以監測源水的水質變化或形成 DBP 的可能性。 使用實驗室 A254 方法,在進行吸光度測量之前,首先通過 0.45 微米過濾器過濾去除水中吸收或散射 254 nm 光的濁度和顆粒。 使用能夠持續監測的 UVAS sc感測器,水中的濁度和顆粒通過參照波長進行補償,因此無需過濾。
可以監測源水的水質變化或形成 DBP 的可能性。 使用實驗室 A254 方法,在進行吸光度測量之前,首先通過 0.45 微米過濾器過濾去除水中吸收或散射 254 nm 光的濁度和顆粒。 使用能夠持續監測的 UVAS sc感測器,水中的濁度和顆粒通過參照波長進行補償,因此無需過濾。
It is important to note that some methods call for adjusting the sample pH before measuring the A254 absorbance. However, when the A254 value is used for other UV disinfection applications, the water sample should be analyzed without filtering or adjusting the pH.
需要注意的是,有些方法需要在測量 A254 吸光度之前調整水樣的 pH 值。 但是,當 A254 吸光度值用於其他紫外線消毒應用時,應在不過濾或調整 pH 值的情況下分析水樣。
需要注意的是,有些方法需要在測量 A254 吸光度之前調整水樣的 pH 值。 但是,當 A254 吸光度值用於其他紫外線消毒應用時,應在不過濾或調整 pH 值的情況下分析水樣。
The UV/254 absorbance value is also used in the calculation of Specific Ultraviolet Absorbance (SUVA). SUVA is defined as the ratio of the A254/cm to the total DOC concentration in the filtered sample. The DOC is determined by running a TOC test on a sample that has been filtered through a 0.45 micron filter.
UV/254 吸光度值也用於計算特定紫外線吸光度 (SUVA)。 SUVA 定義為過濾水樣中 A254/cm 與總 DOC 濃度的比值。 DOC 是藉由對已經通過 0.45 微米過濾器過濾的水樣進行 TOC 測試來測定的。
UV/254 吸光度值也用於計算特定紫外線吸光度 (SUVA)。 SUVA 定義為過濾水樣中 A254/cm 與總 DOC 濃度的比值。 DOC 是藉由對已經通過 0.45 微米過濾器過濾的水樣進行 TOC 測試來測定的。
SUVA (L/mg-M) = A254/cm / DOC (mg/L) x 100 cm/M
The SUVA value is a measure of the dissolved organic carbon concentration available to likely form disinfection byproducts when chlorinated. The value can also be used in the process of removing natural organic matter to reduce the DBP formation potential.
SUVA 值是對氯化時可能形成消毒副產物的溶解有機碳濃度的測量值。 SUVA值還可用於去除天然有機物以減少形成DBP的可能性。
SUVA 值是對氯化時可能形成消毒副產物的溶解有機碳濃度的測量值。 SUVA值還可用於去除天然有機物以減少形成DBP的可能性。
Normalization Calculation 常態化計算
A254 and UVT measurements are normalized to one centimeter and expressed as Abs(254)/cm or % UVT/cm respectively. The cm designation refers to the length of the quartz sample cell pathlength used to make the measurement.
將A254 和 UVT 測量值常態化為一公分,分別表示為 Abs(254)/cm 或 % UVT/cm。 cm 是指用於進行測量的石英樣品池路徑的長度。
A254 and UVT measurements are normalized to one centimeter and expressed as Abs(254)/cm or % UVT/cm respectively. The cm designation refers to the length of the quartz sample cell pathlength used to make the measurement.
將A254 和 UVT 測量值常態化為一公分,分別表示為 Abs(254)/cm 或 % UVT/cm。 cm 是指用於進行測量的石英樣品池路徑的長度。
Measurements made on higher quality waters often have a low absorbance or high transmittance levels. Longer pathlength 5 cm or 10 cm cells are often used to obtain better measurement sensitivity and accuracy.
更高品質的水的測量值通常會有低吸光度或高透光率。 更長的路徑5 cm 或 10 cm 池通常用於獲得更好的測量靈敏度和準確度。
更高品質的水的測量值通常會有低吸光度或高透光率。 更長的路徑5 cm 或 10 cm 池通常用於獲得更好的測量靈敏度和準確度。
紫外線透射法和紫外線吸收法都可以幫助您了解水質狀況進而有效管理您的水處理過程。 不過,重要的是要了解您所取得的水質分析數值其含義與用途。
If you have any further questions about these measurements, please contact your local sales representative or visit www.hach.com.
Application Notes : (原文)
Application UVT and UVA In Disinfection
Application UVT and UVA In Disinfection