應用實績>Hach Biotector TOC/TN 自動分析儀於德國DOW 工業廢水處理廠進水口之監測
Case Study: Online TOC Monitoring with BioTector - Dow chooses an innovative oxidation technology to monitor TOC/TN online
Background 背景介紹
Since 2007, Dow has owned and operated the Industrial Park in Walsrode. The site’s sewage treatment plant receives various types of wastewater from 20 small and medium sized industries. Within the larger Dow Group, Dow Bomlitz is the centre of excellence for cellulose chemistry and, with more than 700 employees, is a key production location in Germany and Europe. The wastewater treatment plant at the industrial park already uses other Hach® online monitoring equipment, such as for the determination of solids, nitrate, oxygen, ammonium, and phosphate.
德國Bomlitz(博姆利茨市)的陶氏化學公司(Dow)位於Walsrode工業園區內。在陶氏集團中,陶氏化學 Bomlitz廠是其纖維素化學領域的卓越中心,為其德國和歐洲的主要生產基地,有 700 多名員工。自 2007 年起,Dow開始擁有並營運Walsrode工業園區及其污水處理廠。園區的污水處理廠接收來自20多家中小工業的各類廢水,水質成份複雜,懸浮物濃度高。此廢水處理廠已使用包括懸浮固體、硝酸鹽、溶氧、氨氮和磷酸鹽等 Hach 線上自動分析儀器。
Industrial Park Walsrode
考量到廢水處理廠惡劣的進水水質,Dow同時安裝一台Biotector TOC/TN自動分析儀和一台1200℃高溫燃燒法TOC/TN分析儀於污水廠的進水口,進行為期8周的測試評估,以期尋求最佳解決方案。
Diagram shows 26/08 to 21/09; density of measurement frequency due to presence of on-site laboratory
圖表顯示 藍色曲線為B7000 TOC/TN的測試資料,紅色曲線為高溫燃燒法的測試資料,綠色曲線為 Dow 實驗室TOC的測試結果。B7000 TOC/TN分析儀的 TOC和TN 測試結果與 Dow 實驗室的結果趨勢一致,只有微小的偏差,比對的一致性好。為期8周的評估期間,Biotector沒有發生過故障和停機。
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Biotector B7000 TOC/TN自動分析儀,採用兩階段高級氧化(TSAO)技術,具有 3.2 毫米超大內徑的進樣管和高效能的自動清潔能力,能夠省去精細過濾,且能夠防止堵塞和樣品交叉污染。
在測試中,B7000 TOC/TN可從污水處理廠的進水渠中自吸取樣,不需要額外的水樣預處理系統。高溫燃燒法TOC/TN分析儀配套潛汙泵,將水樣輸送至分析儀的預處理單元後才能夠進行分析。
Conclusion 總結
Hach as a wastewater partner
Industrial applications present significant challenges, and many TOC analysers struggle to deliver reliable functionality under these tough conditions. Increased quantities of chloride, greases, oils, particulates, and a host of other contaminants frequently result in problems for measurement technology, leading to low levels of reliability, erratic breakdowns, high maintenance costs, and a lack of confidence in the measurement technology.
Hach BioTector B7000 TOC analysers have been designed to withstand and overcome these challenges presented by industrial process water and wastewater. It delivers reliable, accurate data for many types of industrial water cycles, including wastewater treatment plants.
Hach is a leading global partner for water analysis providing customised solutions for all water cycles. Hach welcomes feedback from customers and uses this data for subsequent product development
DOW Bomlitz 從四個方面對測試結果進行評估:各項儀器所需的維護間隔、線上與實驗室結果的一致性、測量資料的可用度,以及應對高懸浮物/高纖維素廢水的可靠度。Biotector得到最好的評價:能同時檢測TOC、TIC和TN參數,與實驗室TOC和 TN 比對一致,維護量低,可靠度高。根據實際測量結果,DOW Bomlitz廠最終選擇 Hach的 B7000 TOC/TN 自動分析儀,並期待未來深化與Hach的合作。
在工業領域,線上自動分析儀的應用往往面臨著巨大的挑戰,傳統線上分析儀在面對工業中高氯鹽、高油脂、高油、高懸浮物等複雜的工況條件時捉襟見肘,有意外停機、可靠度不佳、資料與實驗室無法比對、維護成本高等問題出現。Hach Biotector系列自動分析儀專為工業過程水和廢水等困難複雜水況環境而設計,為客戶提供可靠、準確的測量結果。

Application Notes (點擊下方標題即可瀏覽原文) | Language | Size | Date | Edition |
Case Study: Online TOC Monitoring with BioTector - Dow chooses an innovative oxidation technology to monitor TOC/TN online DOC043.52.30466 |
English UK, English US | 473 KB | 2019-06 | Apr19 |