水中生化需氧量與分析 BOD Analyzers and Testing Equipment

Why BOD Analysis, Measurement and Testing Matter to Water Quality 為什麼分析、測量生化需氧量對水質很重要?
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) analysis is a crucial parameter in ensuring that wastewater treatment has been effective and meets regulatory requirements, offering insights into organic pollution levels and allowing you to reduce both environmental and regulatory risks. Hach® provides comprehensive solutions for BOD analysis, including online analyzers, benchtop instruments, and advanced sensors. Our BOD analyzers are tailored for both municipal and industrial wastewater treatment, ensuring efficient monitoring of BOD levels.
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) analysis is a crucial parameter in ensuring that wastewater treatment has been effective and meets regulatory requirements, offering insights into organic pollution levels and allowing you to reduce both environmental and regulatory risks. Hach® provides comprehensive solutions for BOD analysis, including online analyzers, benchtop instruments, and advanced sensors. Our BOD analyzers are tailored for both municipal and industrial wastewater treatment, ensuring efficient monitoring of BOD levels.
生化需氧量 (BOD) 分析是確保廢污水處理有效且符合法規要求的關鍵參數,協助了解有機污染濃度並降低環境和監管風險。 Hach 提供全面的 BOD 分析方案,包括線上分析儀、桌上型儀器和先進的感測器。我們的 BOD 分析儀適用於民生污水和工業廢水處理,協助確認有效監測 水中BOD 濃度。
When effluent wastewaters are discharged into the environment, they can introduce pollution in the form of organic content to receiving waters. Accurate and precise BOD measurements help ensure that your processes are removing what you need to in order to meet your discharge limits, which could results in regulatory fines and negative environmental impact if not met.
當廢污水排放到環境中時,它們會以有機物的形式將污染物流入至受納水體。準確且精確的 BOD 測量將有助於確保您的水處理程序是否去除了應去除的物質以符合排放水標準限制,如果不符合排放水限制,則可能會導致法規罰款和對環境的負面影響。
Hach's IntelliCAL LBOD101 optical dissolved oxygen probe enhances confidence in the BOD testing procedure, offering reliable insights into BOD levels.
Hach IntelliCAL LBOD101 光學溶氧探頭強化對 BOD 測試程序的信心,提供對於生化需氧量濃度的可靠量測數據。
What is Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 什麼是生化需氧量 ?
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) represents the amount of oxygen consumed by bacteria and other microorganisms while they decompose organic matter under aerobic conditions at a specified temperature.
BOD is used to gauge the short-term impact wastewater effluents will have on the oxygen levels of receiving water. BOD is used as a representative of the organic oxygen demanding portion of wastewater at various locations throughout the process from influent to effluent. BOD can also be used to model treatment plant processes to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of wastewater treatment.
BOD 用於衡量廢汙水排放對受納水體氧氣含量的短期影響。 BOD 用於表示從進水到排放水的整個過程中各個位置的廢污水中有機需氧量。 BOD也可用於模擬水處理廠流程,以提高廢污水處理的效率和效果。
Which Processes Require BOD Monitoring? 哪些程序需要監測水中生化需氧量?
Municipal and Industrial Wastewater Treatment 民生污水及工業廢水處理
Influent waters entering wastewater plants are high in organics and the wastewater plant must reduce the "organic loading" before discharging water back into a receiving body. 進入污水處理廠的進水中有機物含量很高,污水處理廠必須先減少“有機負荷”,然後才能將水排放到接收水體。
Influent waters entering wastewater plants are high in organics and the wastewater plant must reduce the "organic loading" before discharging water back into a receiving body. 進入污水處理廠的進水中有機物含量很高,污水處理廠必須先減少“有機負荷”,然後才能將水排放到接收水體。
Oxygen demand is useful for measuring waste loadings, evaluating the efficiency of the treatment processes, and ensuring effluent compliance. 需氧量有助於測量廢污水負荷、評估處理過程的效率以及確認符合排放標準。

• Primary Treatment 一級處理
Clarifiers, or sedimentation basins, slow the flow of the wastewater to allow suspended solids to settle. Surface skimmers collect any floating fats, oils and greases. With the use of this mechanical and physical means, approximately 30% of organic matter is removed from the wastewater and is routed to the solids management area of the plant. Clarifiers, or sedimentation basins, slow the flow of the wastewater to allow suspended solids to settle. Surface skimmers collect any floating fats, oils and greases. With the use of this mechanical and physical means, approximately 30% of organic matter is removed from the wastewater and is routed to the solids management area of the plant. By monitoring BOD in the primary treatment, the wastewater facility can control the efficiency of this process.
Clarifiers, or sedimentation basins, slow the flow of the wastewater to allow suspended solids to settle. Surface skimmers collect any floating fats, oils and greases. With the use of this mechanical and physical means, approximately 30% of organic matter is removed from the wastewater and is routed to the solids management area of the plant. Clarifiers, or sedimentation basins, slow the flow of the wastewater to allow suspended solids to settle. Surface skimmers collect any floating fats, oils and greases. With the use of this mechanical and physical means, approximately 30% of organic matter is removed from the wastewater and is routed to the solids management area of the plant. By monitoring BOD in the primary treatment, the wastewater facility can control the efficiency of this process.
• Secondary Treatment 二級處理
This process uses living organisms to aid in reducing organics. In the aeration basin, bacteria and microorganisms convert biodegradable organic matter to carbon dioxide and water. With this conversion, organics are reduced, therefore reducing oxygen demand.
This process uses living organisms to aid in reducing organics. In the aeration basin, bacteria and microorganisms convert biodegradable organic matter to carbon dioxide and water. With this conversion, organics are reduced, therefore reducing oxygen demand.
• Discharge Limits 排放水限值
Discharge limits vary from plant to plant depending on the characteristics of the receiving water, effects on aquatic life, recreational uses and other factors. Discharge permits may stipulate a specific maximum effluent concentration for BOD or COD, pounds loading, and/or a percent removal.
Discharge limits vary from plant to plant depending on the characteristics of the receiving water, effects on aquatic life, recreational uses and other factors. Discharge permits may stipulate a specific maximum effluent concentration for BOD or COD, pounds loading, and/or a percent removal.
各個污水處理廠的排放限值不同,取決於受納水體的特性、對水生生物的影響、休憩用途和其他因素。排放水許可可能會規定 BOD 或 COD 的特定最大排放濃度、負荷重量和/或移除百分比。
For compliance, it’s necessary to measure BOD or COD of the influent water as it enters the plant, before mechanical screening processes, and at the effluent of the facility at the designated discharge sample location. If the oxygen demand of effluent exceeds discharge limits, regulatory agencies may impose fines. USEPA also allows the use of TOC when it is correlated with BOD or COD. 為符合法規,有必要在進水進入污水處理廠時、機械篩選過程之前以及在指定的排放水取樣位置測量 BOD 或 COD濃度。如果廢污水的需氧量超過排放標準,監管機構可能會處以罰款。當 TOC 與 BOD 或 COD 是相關聯時, USEPA(美國環保署)也允許使用 TOC測量濃度。
When selecting a method for analyzing oxygen demand, it’s important to consider the following 在選擇分析需氧量的方法時,需考慮以下重點 :
• Specific testing application 特定測試應用
• Oxidant that will be used 將使用的氧化劑
• Test completion time 測試完成時間
• Accuracy and precision of the measurement 測量的準確度和精密度
• Oxidant that will be used 將使用的氧化劑
• Test completion time 測試完成時間
• Accuracy and precision of the measurement 測量的準確度和精密度
How is BOD Measured? 如何測量生化需氧量?
Dilution Method 稀釋方法
Winkler Titration 溫克勒滴定法
Respirometric or Manometric Method 呼吸測量法或測壓法
Winkler Titration 溫克勒滴定法
Respirometric or Manometric Method 呼吸測量法或測壓法
BOD Testing Limitations BOD 測試的限制 :
- BOD involves a lengthy test period of five days. BOD 需要長達五天的測試期
- Microorganisms cannot oxidize all organic materials in waste. 微生物無法氧化廢污水中所有的有機物質
- Toxic materials in the water can kill microorganisms. 水中的有毒物質會殺死微生物
- This method is not considered highly accurate, with a 15% relative standard deviation. 此方法不是極準確,相對標準差為15%
What is the difference between COD and BOD? 化學需氧量和生化需氧量有什麼差別?
Like BOD, chemical oxygen demand (COD) can be used to estimate the amount of organic loading in a water sample. COD describes the amount of oxygen required to chemically breakdown the pollutants, while BOD indicates the amount of oxygen required to breakdown the pollutants, biologically with microorganisms. 與生化需氧量(BOD) 一樣,化學需氧量 (COD) 可用於估算水樣中的有機負荷量。 COD表示的是化學分解污染物所需的氧氣量,而BOD表示的是生物分解污染物(即微生物分解污染物)所需的氧氣量。
Like BOD, chemical oxygen demand (COD) can be used to estimate the amount of organic loading in a water sample. COD describes the amount of oxygen required to chemically breakdown the pollutants, while BOD indicates the amount of oxygen required to breakdown the pollutants, biologically with microorganisms. 與生化需氧量(BOD) 一樣,化學需氧量 (COD) 可用於估算水樣中的有機負荷量。 COD表示的是化學分解污染物所需的氧氣量,而BOD表示的是生物分解污染物(即微生物分解污染物)所需的氧氣量。