When should I measure turbidity online versus in the lab?
Document ID : CO170
Published Date : 06/07/2018
Document ID : CO170
Published Date : 06/07/2018
Source : Hach US HSO
Briefly outlines online versus lab turbidity measurement

Sometimes it is essential to monitor turbidity continuously. Continuous monitoring of drinking water effluent confirms compliance and also provides immediate notification of process upsets. Continuous monitoring of wastewater treatment systems provides real-time process optimization data. Whenever immediate turbidity results are required, either for compliance or process control, a process turbidity analyzer is the best solution.
In addition to delivering continuous analyses, process turbidity analyzers are simple, accurate, and low maintenance. Process analyzers eliminate grab sampling and analyst errors. Proper sampling, sample preparation, and cell handling are critical for accurate laboratory turbidity measurements where sample settling, cell orientation, and glass cell imperfections can have significant effects. Properly maintained and calibrated process turbidity analyzers avoid all of these potential issues. Maintenance and calibration of Hach process turbidity analyzers are simple procedures facilitated by automated cleaning routines and Hach StablCal turbidity standards.
Process turbidity analyzers may be used in conjunction with laboratory measurements for verification or calibration. Recent advances in turbidimetric technology in Hach TU5 instruments ensure that process/laboratory verification measurements are closer than ever. Process turbidity analyzers may also be correlated to gravimetric total suspended solids (TSS) measurements for creation of a turbidity/TSS correlation, or to total iron colorimetric measurements for creation of a turbidity/iron corrosion correlation.
除了提供連續分析的功能之外,線上濁度分析儀簡單,準確並且維護成本低。線上自動分析儀消除了抓取採樣和分析的錯誤。正確的採樣,樣品的製備和樣品瓶的處理對於準確的實驗室濁度測量很關鍵,因為,樣品的沉降,樣品瓶的角度方向和玻璃樣品瓶的破損會有很大的影響。正確維護和正確校正的線上濁度分析儀可以避免所有這些潛在問題。 Hach線上濁度分析儀的維護和校正都是簡化的程序,可透過自動清潔程序和Hach StablCal濁度標準品來簡化。
線上濁度分析儀可與實驗室測量結合使用以進行驗證或校正。 Hach TU5系列線上濁度分析儀器的最新比濁法技術可確保線上/實驗室驗證測量比以往更緊密。線上濁度分析儀還可與重量分析總懸浮固體(TSS)測量相關,以建立濁度/TSS的相關性,或與總鐵比色測量相關,以建立濁度/鐵腐蝕的相關性。
線上濁度分析儀可與實驗室測量結合使用以進行驗證或校正。 Hach TU5系列線上濁度分析儀器的最新比濁法技術可確保線上/實驗室驗證測量比以往更緊密。線上濁度分析儀還可與重量分析總懸浮固體(TSS)測量相關,以建立濁度/TSS的相關性,或與總鐵比色測量相關,以建立濁度/鐵腐蝕的相關性。