水中懸浮固體與分析 Suspended Solids & Dissolved Solids
Why Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Measurement, Testing and Processes Matter to Water Quality  為什麼總懸浮固體 (TSS) 和總溶解固體 (TDS) 的測量分析對水質如此重要?
Ensure accurate measurement of total suspended solids (TSS) and total dissolved solids (TDS) with sensors, standards and equipment from Hach®.
Our comprehensive range covers all your TDS and TSS analysis needs -- providing reliable insights into the composition and cleanliness of water resources, aiding in environmental monitoring and ensuring water safety.
Choose the right solution for your specific needs across a variety of applications including wastewater, drinking water and high purity water.
Whether you need a sensor for the lab, field or online, our robust line of TSS and TDS measurement solutions ensure optimal performance and accuracy.
Hach的懸浮固體感測器設備和標準品方案協助您確保準確測量分析水中總懸浮固體 (TSS) 和總溶解固體 (TDS)。無論是實驗室、戶外/廠區還是線上偵測,我們全方位提供 TDS 和 TSS 分析技術方案,確保最佳效能和準確度,協助環境監測並確保水質安全。可根據不同的廢污水、飲用水和高純度水應用需求,選擇最適合的設備方案。
Which Processes Require Total Suspended Solids Monitoring?  哪些程序需要監測水中總懸浮固體?
Wastewater Treatment  廢污水處理
Monitoring suspended solids/turbidity in the liquid processing stages of a wastewater treatment plant offers these significant benefits 監測污水處理廠的液體處理程序的懸浮固體/濁度有以下顯著優勢 :
  • Improves plant efficiency by providing stability and continuity to the treatment process  為污水處理過程提供穩定度和連續性,因而提升污水處理廠效率
  • Continuous online monitoring reduces the need for time consuming laboratory analysis  持續線上監測能夠減少耗時的實驗室分析需求
  • Real-time monitoring provides more accurate process control  即時監控可進行更準確的程序控制
  • Monitors compliance with limitations placed on the concentration of solids entering and leaving the plant   污水處理廠監控進水和排放水的懸浮固體濃度可掌握水質是否符合法規標準限值
At the same time, laboratory methods and equipment can be successfully used to verify or fulfill the calibration of the process sensors.  同時,也可以成功地使用實驗室方法和設備來驗證或完成線上感測器的校正。
Drinking Water Treatment  飲用水處理

Drinking water comes from many different sources, such as rivers, lakes, aquifers and man-made reservoirs. Treatment processes for source water vary widely depending on the source itself, as well as the impurities of the source water. Some of the most common contaminants in source water are the suspended solids comprised from organic matter, like algae, and inorganic materials, e.g. sand, silt and clay particles. Knowing total suspended and dissolved solids in the incoming water helps to determine the right treatment processes and procedures (e.g. coagulation/flocculation agents) to reduce load on the filters.   飲用水來自許多不同的來源,例如河流、湖泊、含水層和人工水庫。源水的處理過程因水源本身以及源水中的雜質而有很大差異。源水中最常見的污染物是懸浮固體,包括有機物,例如:如藻類,以及無機物,例如:沙、淤泥和黏土顆粒。了解進水中的總懸浮固體和溶解固體有助於決定正確的處理過程和程序(例如混凝/絮凝劑),以減輕過濾設備的負荷。
In order to optimize the coagulation/flocculation part of your Drinking Water treatment process, another tool can be very useful – a Streaming Current Monitor (SCM) that measures change in the charge of particles in the water immediately after coagulant injection and helps to optimize the coagulant feed in real time, especially when combined with pH control.   為優化飲用水處理過程中的混凝/絮凝部分,另一個非常有用的儀器設備是流動電流監測器 (SCM),它可以在注入凝結劑後立即監測水中顆粒電荷的變化,並有助於即時優化凝結劑進料,尤其是與 pH 控制儀器一起使用時。
Monitoring TSS/turbidity and TDS/conductivity in the raw and treated water helps to maintain consistent water quality and its corrosivity to comply with relevant regulations.   監測原水和處理水中的 TSS/濁度 TDS/導電度協助保持一致的水質及其腐蝕性,以符合相關法規。
Besides monitoring of the water used in the treatment process, it is important to measure TSS or turbidity during filter backwash operation because it helps in the process optimization, extends filter run times and provides additional savings on the energy cost.   除了監測處理過程中使用的水之外,在過濾器反沖洗操作階段測量 TSS 或濁度也很重要,因為這樣有助於優化水處理程序、延長過濾設備運作時間並且節省額外的電力成本。
Energy Industry  電力能源產業

High purity water is essential for power production. The amount of suspended solids present in water is a vital quality indicator. Silt, sand, bacteria, spores and chemical precipitates all contribute to the cloudiness or turbidity of water. As a result, turbidity or TSS monitoring is critical for maintaining the acceptable water quality throughout the power plant.  高純度的水對於發電非常重要。水中懸浮固體的濃度是一項重要的水質指標。淤泥、沙子、細菌、孢子和化學沉澱物都會造成水的混濁。因此,濁度或 TSS 監測對於維持整個發電廠可接受的水質非常關鍵。
How are Solids Monitored  如何監測水中懸浮固體濃度?
Measuring TDS or TSS in the lab or field can be done through several methods and with multiple instruments. The most commons measurement methods are as follows 可透過多種分析方法和儀器於實驗室或戶外/廠區檢測TDS 或 TSS濃度。最常見的測量方法如下 :
  • Gravimetric Method 重量分析法 : The most common technique for measuring solids, the Gravimetric Method involves trapping the solids suspended in the water sample onto the filter, using a filtering apparatus and determining the dry weight of these solids.  測量懸浮固體最常用的技術方法,將懸浮於水樣中的固體捕獲到過濾設備上,使用過濾裝置並測定這些固體物的乾重
  • Electrochemical 電化學分析法 : Analyzing TDS in the Lab or field can be done using electrochemistry meters and probes designed to detect the dissolved solids in a sample.  使用檢測水樣溶解固體的電化學分析儀器於實驗室或戶外/廠區分析TDS濃度
  • Direct Measurement 直接測量法 : Used for TSS measurement, this method uses Imhoff Cones to measure settleable solids or sediment in water  用於 TSS 測量,此方法使用 Imhoff 錐體測量水中的可沉澱固體或沉積物