手持式多埠多參數水質分析儀(標準套裝組) Full SL1000 Portable Parallel Analyzer (PPA) Standard Kit
Water Quality Testing. Dramatically Streamlined.
Hach SL1000 手持式水質分析儀(PPA) 以不到一半的手動步驟執行相同的測試。在很短的時間內獲得高度準確的測試數據,同時減少手動步驟出錯的機會。可同時測試多達六個參數。
The Hach SL1000 Portable Parallel Analyzer® (PPA) performs the same tests with less than half the manual steps. Get highly accurate results, with less opportunity for errors, in a fraction of the time. Up to six parameters, tested simultaneously.

Detector 偵測器 : Silicon photodiode
Lamp Type 光源 : Light Emitting Diode (LED)
Measurement Modes 測量模式 : Transmittance (%), Absorbance (abs) and Concentration (Conc)
Certifications 認證 : CE Compliant

Includes 套裝組內容物 : SL1000 meter, 1 pH probe, 1 conductivity probe, 1 box each of Free Cl, Total Cl, MonoCl, Free Ammonia and Nitrite Chemkeys, carrying case, 1 instrument sample cup, 2 probe sample cups, rechargeable battery, battery charger, handstrap, instrument manual, and USB cable.


比色法測試包括:一氯胺、遊離氨和總氨、餘氯(游離氯)和總氯、亞硝酸鹽、鋅、錳、銅、正磷酸鹽、硬度、鹼度、溶解鐵和過氧乙酸 Peracetic Acid。


Applications 應用 :
Boiler Water
Cooling Water
Membrane Protection
Municipal Water
Potable Water
Source Water
Surface Water

關鍵字 : 多參數 水質 分析儀, 手持式 水質計, 手持式 水質檢測計, portable DO analyzer, 鋅離子, 銅離子
Faster Testing
Perform up to four colorimetric and two probe-based measurements in parallel, and complete the entire test suite in 25% of the time. Complete more tests on site, get the results you need faster, and visit more sites in each shift.
Less Variability
Avoid manual steps that can introduce variability, even when performed by experienced testers. Automation and internal temperature control make the entire process consistent and repeatable, while applying the same processes and reagents as current Hach methods.
Less Hassle
A single instrument combines colorimetric and probe testing in a field kit that requires fewer bulky accessories. There are no powder pillows or glass vials to handle. All chemicals and processes are entirely contained inside the Chemkey.  測量卡試劑封裝, 方便運輸攜帶。簡易操作,微量樣品需求,無廢液處理問題。
Patented Chemkey® Technology
Chemkey reagents contain the same chemicals and execute the same process steps that you have trusted for decades — now delivered in a simple, self-contained package. EPA-approved for reporting of Free and Total Chlorine in drinking water applications.
Chemkey® 專利
Applications 應用 :
Boiler Water
Cooling Water
Membrane Protection
Municipal Water
Potable Water
Source Water
Surface Water