飲料含氧量線上分析儀 Soft Drink Oxygen Analyzer
Quick and easy measurements in package for non-carbonated and carbonated drinks

One solution for can corrosion and product stability control with mL of air and total package oxygen measurements. 光學法透過空氣毫升數和包裝總氧量測以避免罐裝腐蝕並提升產品穩定度。

Kit consisting of controller, oxygen sensor, piercing device and accessories. 套裝組包括控制主機、氧氣感測器、穿刺裝置和配件。

透過Hach的LDO光學法專利技術,飲料含氧量分析儀快速測量瓶裝和罐裝飲料中的溶氧,操作簡易,只需將搖動過的瓶子或罐子放在測試平台上並刺穿即可分析。 飲料氧氣分析儀監測氧氣量,測定頂空容積中的空氣含量以及搖動包裝中飲料中的總空氣含量。

Minimal impact to packing line due to fast measurement response
快速測量, 將影響產線的程度最小化

Low maintenance with minimal downtime

關鍵字 : 飲料 含氧量 自動分析儀, 飲料 含氧量 檢測儀, Beverage Oxygen Analyzer
Quick and easy measurements in package for non-carbonated and carbonated drinks 快速簡易測量非碳酸飲料和碳酸飲料的含氧量
Using Hach’s LDO technology, the Soft Drink Oxygen Analyzer quickly measures dissolved oxygen in bottled and canned beverages in milliliters (mL). Easy to use, just place a (shaken) bottle or can on the platform and pierce. The analyzer monitors the levels of oxygen and determines the air content in the headspace volume as well as the total air content in soft drinks on shaken packages.
Minimal impact to packing line due to fast measurement response 快速測量, 將影響產線的程度最小化 
Provides immediate oxygen readings with a measurement frequency of two seconds, reduces unnecessary line stoppages, and increases production uptime. Highly accurate readings for in-package air in non-carbonated and carbonated drinks.
Quantify oxygen levels for product stability 量化含氧量確保產品品質穩定度 
Avoid product oxidization that can cause adverse changes in color and product stability. The analyzer calculates TPO using dissolved oxygen values on shaken packages with a repeatable TPO validation standard. Air calculator software is embedded to allow the data to be recorded, to accurately adjust and reduce CO2 consumption.
Low maintenance with minimal downtime 日常所需之維護量極低
No drift for 12 months and no need to replace membranes or any electrolytes. The use of luminescent technology ensures the sensor doesn’t require replacement of membranes or any electrolytes. Additionally, the sensors’ accuracy is unaffected by process changes or pressure shocks.
12 個月無漂移,無需更換膜或任何電解質。 光學技術感測器不需要更換膜或任何電解質。 此外,感測器的準確度不受程序變化或壓力衝擊的影響。