手持式水質濁度計 2100Q Portable Turbidimeter Kit (EPA), 0-1000 NTU, with USB and Power Module

2100Q濁度計整合多種先進功能於一機的手持式濁度分析儀,例如校正和驗證螢幕顯示提示功能、輕鬆簡單的數據傳輸功能、創新的RST測量功能等,為使用者提供穩定、準確可靠的測量結果。無論是水庫, 湖泊河流, 池塘水圳, 自來水廠, Hach 2100Q是您於戶外或場區檢測水質濁度之最佳選擇。

The Hach 2100Q Portable Turbidimeter offers unsurpassed ease of use and accuracy in turbidity measurement. Only Hach offers this unique combination of advanced features and measurement innovation, giving you accurate results every time.

The USB+Power Module provides additional benefit by allowing the user to transfer data to a PC in XML format, transfer data to the Citizen PD-24 printer (2960100), operate the instrument on line power (100-240Vac, 50/60 HZ), charge NiMH batteries (2971304), perform firmware updates, and quickly enter Sample and User IDs with the optional barcode scanner (LZV566).

Measurement Method 分析方法 : Ratio turbidimetric determination using a primary nephelometric light scatter signal (90°) and transmitted light scatter signal. 以初級濁度光散射訊號(90°)和透射光散射訊號進行比率濁度測定。

Light Source 光源 : Tungsten Filament Lamp 鎢絲燈
Range 量測範圍 : 0 - 1000 NTU
Regulatory : (美國) EPA Method 180.1
Repeatability  重複性 : ± 1 % of reading or 0.01 NTU , whichever is greater
Response Time 反應時間 : 6 sec in normal reading mode
Data Logging : 500 records

Compliance Certifications 認證 : CE/WEEE

關鍵字: 濁度分析儀, 濁度檢測儀, 水中 濁度 測定, 測定水樣濁度, 水中濁度檢測, turbidity meter, turbidity analyzer, 濁度儀
      2100Q光學系統是以世界經典的2100P攜帶型濁度計光學系統為基礎,利用Hach專利的比率測量,雙檢測器的光學系統可以對水樣色度、光線波動以及雜散光進行補償; 對於大多數水樣而言,即使在現場環境惡劣的條件下,仍可獲得實驗室等級的測量性能。
      Hach 2100Q攜帶型濁度計採用創新的快速沉降濁度測量模式,對於難以測量的快速沉降水樣,可以為您提供準確且重現性好的測量結果。根據一系列自動讀數,採用特殊運算法則計算濁度值,無需多餘的測量和估計。
      對於每次測量,Hach 2100Q攜帶型濁度計都可以為您提供值得信賴的測量結果。校正和驗證螢幕中文提示功能即可為您節省時間又能確保準確度。此濁度計操作界面簡單,常規校正時,無需參照複雜的操作手冊即可完成,單點RapidCal校正為低量程測量提供簡捷解決方案。
Easy calibration and verification
The Hach 2100Q Portable Turbidimeter provides confidence your measurements are right every time. On-screen assisted calibration and verification saves you time and ensures accuracy.
With an easy-to-follow interface, complicated manuals are not needed to perform routine calibrations. Single-standard RapidCal calibration offers a simplified solution for low level measurements.
Simple data transfer
Data transfer with the 2100Q is simple, flexible, and doesn't require additional software. All data can be transferred to the included USB+Power Module and easily downloaded to your computer with a USB connection, providing superior data integrity and availability.
Accurate for rapidly settling samples
The HACH 2100Q Portable Turbidimeter incorporates an innovative Rapidly Settling Turbidity™ mode to provide accurate, repeatable measurements for difficult to measure, rapidly settling samples. An exclusive algorithm that calculates turbidity based on a series of automatic readings eliminates redundant measurements and estimating.
Convenient data logging
Up to 500 measurements are automatically stored in the instrument for easy access and backup. Stored information includes: date and time, operator ID, reading mode, sample ID, sample number, units, calibration time, calibration status, error messages, and the result.
Optical system for precision in the field
The two-detector optical system compensates for color in the sample, light fluctuation, and stray light, enabling analysts to achieve laboratory-grade performance on a wide range of samples, even under difficult site conditions.