水質分析分光光度計 DR3900 Benchtop Spectrophotometer
Hach DR3900為新一代智慧型實驗室可見光分光光度計,採用分光光度法,內建220多種水質參數測試方法的應用程式,廣泛應用於工業用水,民生污水,環保, 教育科學研究等領域的水質檢測分析。DR3900 可輕鬆進行數據傳輸,更可直接上網更新軟體和使用者手冊。
Wavelength Range : 320 - 1100 nm
Wavelength Calibration : Automatic
Data Logger : 2000 measured values (Result, Date, Time, Sample ID, User ID)
Display Type : Colored touch-screen
Enclosure Rating : IP30
水質檢測參數 : 氯、臭氧、二氧化氯、過氧化氫 H2O2 、三鹵甲烷、硬度、真色色度、化學需氧量、生化需氧量、銨、界面活性劑、硫酸鹽、磷酸鹽、硝酸鹽、亞硝酸鹽、碳酸鹽、總有機碳、氟化物、氯化物、硫化物、氰化物、汞、砷、溴、甲醛、二氧化矽、酚類、磷、氨氮、總氮、總凱氏氮、懸浮固體、有機酸、單寧-木質素、過氧乙酸、過氧化氫、六價鉻、鋅、鐵、鋁、鎳、硼、鉻、鎂、錳、鉀、鉬、錳、銀、鉀、鎘、銅、鈷、鋇、錫等超過200種水質參數。
The DR3900 is designed to deliver accurate results quickly with Hach's innovative TNTplus® and LCK reagents, which are optimized around:
• Sample preparation: reduced handling steps, precise dosing
• Sample analysis: automatic test recognition, expiration date check, etc.
• Utilization of the new Truecal™ software to eliminate lot to lot variation
• Documentation of results: versatile data management
The DR3900 is a benchtop visible spectrum (320 - 1100 nm), split beam spectrophotometer with over 220 pre-programmed methods optimized for laboratory water analysis. With your daily routine of water analysis in mind, the DR3900 spectrophotometer is optimized for safe processes and accurate results. Control-parameters like Ammonium, COD, Phosphate, Nitrate and many others are easy to perform. The handling of tests and spectrophotometer is well designed to avoid any errors in your water analysis.
關鍵字 : DR3900 Lab VIS Spectrophotometer, 可見光 分光光度計, 氯化物 分光光度計, 多參數 水質分析儀, 水 真色色度分析, 多功能 實驗室 水質分析儀, 污水 氨氮 檢測 儀, 廢水 氨氮 測定計, 水 色度 檢測, cod 快速 檢測 儀
Wavelength Range : 320 - 1100 nm
Wavelength Calibration : Automatic
Data Logger : 2000 measured values (Result, Date, Time, Sample ID, User ID)
Display Type : Colored touch-screen
Enclosure Rating : IP30
水質檢測參數 : 氯、臭氧、二氧化氯、過氧化氫 H2O2 、三鹵甲烷、硬度、真色色度、化學需氧量、生化需氧量、銨、界面活性劑、硫酸鹽、磷酸鹽、硝酸鹽、亞硝酸鹽、碳酸鹽、總有機碳、氟化物、氯化物、硫化物、氰化物、汞、砷、溴、甲醛、二氧化矽、酚類、磷、氨氮、總氮、總凱氏氮、懸浮固體、有機酸、單寧-木質素、過氧乙酸、過氧化氫、六價鉻、鋅、鐵、鋁、鎳、硼、鉻、鎂、錳、鉀、鉬、錳、銀、鉀、鎘、銅、鈷、鋇、錫等超過200種水質參數。
The DR3900 is designed to deliver accurate results quickly with Hach's innovative TNTplus® and LCK reagents, which are optimized around:
• Sample preparation: reduced handling steps, precise dosing
• Sample analysis: automatic test recognition, expiration date check, etc.
• Utilization of the new Truecal™ software to eliminate lot to lot variation
• Documentation of results: versatile data management
The DR3900 is a benchtop visible spectrum (320 - 1100 nm), split beam spectrophotometer with over 220 pre-programmed methods optimized for laboratory water analysis. With your daily routine of water analysis in mind, the DR3900 spectrophotometer is optimized for safe processes and accurate results. Control-parameters like Ammonium, COD, Phosphate, Nitrate and many others are easy to perform. The handling of tests and spectrophotometer is well designed to avoid any errors in your water analysis.
關鍵字 : DR3900 Lab VIS Spectrophotometer, 可見光 分光光度計, 氯化物 分光光度計, 多參數 水質分析儀, 水 真色色度分析, 多功能 實驗室 水質分析儀, 污水 氨氮 檢測 儀, 廢水 氨氮 測定計, 水 色度 檢測, cod 快速 檢測 儀
Simple Preparation
TNTplus® vials use Dosicaps - freeze-dried reagents integrated into sealed cap - that are easier to use than Powder Pillows or Liquid Reagents, without any risk of contamination.
The boxes and vials are color-coded for a fast and easy parameter and range recognition of exactly the test you need.
Step-by-step illustrated test methods are printed on the box as a quick reference and can also be called up in the instrument menu.
The boxes and vials are color-coded for a fast and easy parameter and range recognition of exactly the test you need.
Step-by-step illustrated test methods are printed on the box as a quick reference and can also be called up in the instrument menu.
Fast execution
A 2D barcode on the TNTplus vial is automatically read by the Hach DR spectrophotometer to identify the appropriate method and take the measurement. The vial spins to take 10-fold absorbance readings that will be averaged for result determination to exclude scratches and fingerprints. Instrument calibration verification and high instrument stability all combine to eliminate the need to run reagent blanks.
A 2D barcode on the TNTplus vial is automatically read by the Hach DR spectrophotometer to identify the appropriate method and take the measurement. The vial spins to take 10-fold absorbance readings that will be averaged for result determination to exclude scratches and fingerprints. Instrument calibration verification and high instrument stability all combine to eliminate the need to run reagent blanks.
Comprehensive Documentation
Measurement results are documented on the detailed level with timestamp, operator ID, absorbance reading, and calculated concentration. The 2D barcode delivers the lot number and expiry date, logged with every result.
Measurement results are documented on the detailed level with timestamp, operator ID, absorbance reading, and calculated concentration. The 2D barcode delivers the lot number and expiry date, logged with every result.
*RFID technology currently available in the US, Puerto Rico, Austrailia, New Zealand, and Colombia only.
With the ability to store hundreds of user-determined methods, operators are able to tailor the DR3900 to meet the everyday needs of the plant.
With the ability to store hundreds of user-determined methods, operators are able to tailor the DR3900 to meet the everyday needs of the plant.
Being able to optimize and customize the method portfolio, combined with regular software updates and Claros™ connectivity, makes the DR3900 the ultimate solution to water quality lab needs.
Hach DR3900 分光光度計採用直覺式的彩色觸控式螢幕操作界面,可針對Hach分析程序顯示操作提示。具備自動辨識和錯誤警示功能的比色皿,人性化設計帶來全新的使用體驗,有效減少需要重複確認的步驟,對測試結果更放心。
DR3900 分光光度計內建220 多種測試方法的應用程式,廣泛應用於工業用水,民生污水,環保, 教育科學研究等領域的水質檢測分析。其特點為:
- 800×480 畫素之7吋彩色觸控式中文操作螢幕
- 內建 220 多個水質測試方法應用程式,也可建立多達 100 個使用者自定義程式
- 可自動識別標有條形碼的Hach預製試劑
- 對於重要參數,例如 : COD,自動測定不同位置的 10 個數值,去除異常值,然後取平均值,且5 秒內即可顯示最終的平均值結果
- 實驗室和線上數據達成雙向傳輸,不需再到現場校正電極。
- 儀器螢幕可顯示使用步驟,降低錯誤操作機率
- 可隨時透過 USB 或者直接連結網路即時更新應用軟體程序及下載分析數據
- 可直接連接印表機以列印分析結果
- 具有密碼保護功能及定時器功能
- 多位使用者管理設計: 可針對管理員 , 標準使用者而設定不同權限
DR3900 Spectrophotometer Software Update - Edition : V1.34.32.16, Date : 2023-12 Software/Firmware (31.27 MB)