水中氨氮分析試劑組 Nitrogen-Ammonia Reagent Set, Nessler
For determination of Ammonia Nitrogen by the Nessler Method.
USEPA accepted for reporting wastewater analysis (distillation required) using Hach Method 8038. Range: 0.02-2.50 mg/L NH3-N.
Reagent set contains Nessler Reagent, Mineral Stabilizer and Polyvinyl Alcohol Dispersing Agent for approximately 250 tests.
用於納氏法測定水中氨氮。 USEPA美國環保署接受使用Hach方法 8038 報告廢污水分析(需蒸餾)。 試劑套裝包含納氏試劑、礦物穩定劑和聚乙烯醇分散劑,可進行約 250 次測試。

*使用Hach 分光光度計DR6000, DR3800, DR2800, DR2700, DR1900, DR5000, DR3900 進行分析
Applications 應用 :
  • Industrial Wastewater
  • Influent for Wastewater
  • Nutrient Monitoring
  • Primary Treatment
  • QA/QC Lab
  • Secondary Treatment
  • Source Water
  • Tertiary Treatment