手持式水質計/多參數比色計 DR900 Multiparameter Portable Colorimeter
一台 DR900 儀攜帶式光電比色計即可協助您測試超過 90 項水質參數,涵蓋多種環境應用水質分析,IP67 堅固耐用等級防塵防水設計,適用於嚴苛之現場環境。 數據儲存量500條,符合GLP標準,可利用USB傳輸數據。Multi parameter handheld water testing with over 90 colorimetric parameters for use in the most demanding field environments
The DR900 is a fantastic choice when it comes to field testing multiple parameters. Our customers love the ease of use of our handheld colorimeter. It is portable, rugged and time tested. Simplify your testing in the field by using the DR900.
Applications 水質分析應用 :
Boiler Water | Cooling Water | Power | Water Treater | Drinking Water | Wastewater | Food and Beverage | Clean in Place (CIP) | Pool and Spa | Pulp and Paper 鍋爐水 | 冷卻水 | 電力產業用水 | 水處理 | 飲用水 | 廢污水 | 食品和飲料 | 就地清洗 (CIP) | 游泳池和水療中心 | 紙漿和造紙
搭配Hach預製試劑,可在現場快速、簡便、準確地測量鋁, 銨, 鋇, 苯並三唑/甲苯基三唑, 硼離子, 溴, 二氧化氯, 餘氯, 總氯, 鉻, 六價鉻, 總鉻, COD (化學需氧量), 色度, 銅, 氰化物, 三聚氰酸, 清潔劑/界面活性劑(表面活性劑), 溶氧, 氟化物, 硬度, 聯氨, 鐵 Iron, 錳, 鉬, 一氯胺, 鎳 Nickel, 過氧化氫 H2O2, 過氧乙酸, 硝酸鹽氮, 亞硝酸鹽, 總氮, 總無機氮 (TIN), 氨氮 NH3-N, 除氧劑, 臭氧, pH值, 膦, 磷, 鉀, 二氧化矽, 硫酸鹽 Sulfate, 硫化物/硫化氫, SS 懸浮固體, 單寧和木質素, TKN, 總有機碳 (TOC), 毒性, 濁度, volatile acid 揮發酸, 鋅等參數。
Detector 偵測器 : Silicon photodiode 矽光電二極體
Source Lamp 光源 : Light Emitting Diode (LED)
Spectral Bandwidth : 15 nm filter bandwidth
Wavelength Range 波長範圍 : 420 nm, 520 nm, 560 nm, 610 nm
Wavelength Selection : Automatic
Wavelength Accuracy : ± 1 nm (fixed, varies with model)
Photometric Measuring Range : 0 - 2 Abs
Photometric Accuracy : ± 0.03 Abs
Photometric Linearity : ± 0.002 Abs (0 - 1 Abs)
Reproducibility : ± 0.005 Abs (0 - 1 A)
Data Logger : 500 measured values (Result, Date, Time, Sample ID, User ID)
關鍵字 : 攜帶式光電比色計, 多種水質參數水質計, 水質測試儀, 攜帶式水質分析儀, 手持式 水質測定計, 戶外 水質檢測儀, 攜帶式水質檢測儀器, 硝酸鹽 測定計, 攜帶式COD檢測, 氨氮檢測, 水中鐵檢測儀, 污水 氨氮 檢測 儀, 廢水 氨氮 測定計, 手提式分光光度計, cod 快速 檢測 儀, 鉬離子 分析儀, portable DO analyzer
The DR900 is a fantastic choice when it comes to field testing multiple parameters. Our customers love the ease of use of our handheld colorimeter. It is portable, rugged and time tested. Simplify your testing in the field by using the DR900.
Applications 水質分析應用 :
Boiler Water | Cooling Water | Power | Water Treater | Drinking Water | Wastewater | Food and Beverage | Clean in Place (CIP) | Pool and Spa | Pulp and Paper 鍋爐水 | 冷卻水 | 電力產業用水 | 水處理 | 飲用水 | 廢污水 | 食品和飲料 | 就地清洗 (CIP) | 游泳池和水療中心 | 紙漿和造紙
搭配Hach預製試劑,可在現場快速、簡便、準確地測量鋁, 銨, 鋇, 苯並三唑/甲苯基三唑, 硼離子, 溴, 二氧化氯, 餘氯, 總氯, 鉻, 六價鉻, 總鉻, COD (化學需氧量), 色度, 銅, 氰化物, 三聚氰酸, 清潔劑/界面活性劑(表面活性劑), 溶氧, 氟化物, 硬度, 聯氨, 鐵 Iron, 錳, 鉬, 一氯胺, 鎳 Nickel, 過氧化氫 H2O2, 過氧乙酸, 硝酸鹽氮, 亞硝酸鹽, 總氮, 總無機氮 (TIN), 氨氮 NH3-N, 除氧劑, 臭氧, pH值, 膦, 磷, 鉀, 二氧化矽, 硫酸鹽 Sulfate, 硫化物/硫化氫, SS 懸浮固體, 單寧和木質素, TKN, 總有機碳 (TOC), 毒性, 濁度, volatile acid 揮發酸, 鋅等參數。
Detector 偵測器 : Silicon photodiode 矽光電二極體
Source Lamp 光源 : Light Emitting Diode (LED)
Spectral Bandwidth : 15 nm filter bandwidth
Wavelength Range 波長範圍 : 420 nm, 520 nm, 560 nm, 610 nm
Wavelength Selection : Automatic
Wavelength Accuracy : ± 1 nm (fixed, varies with model)
Photometric Measuring Range : 0 - 2 Abs
Photometric Accuracy : ± 0.03 Abs
Photometric Linearity : ± 0.002 Abs (0 - 1 Abs)
Reproducibility : ± 0.005 Abs (0 - 1 A)
Data Logger : 500 measured values (Result, Date, Time, Sample ID, User ID)
關鍵字 : 攜帶式光電比色計, 多種水質參數水質計, 水質測試儀, 攜帶式水質分析儀, 手持式 水質測定計, 戶外 水質檢測儀, 攜帶式水質檢測儀器, 硝酸鹽 測定計, 攜帶式COD檢測, 氨氮檢測, 水中鐵檢測儀, 污水 氨氮 檢測 儀, 廢水 氨氮 測定計, 手提式分光光度計, cod 快速 檢測 儀, 鉬離子 分析儀, portable DO analyzer
Portability 攜帶簡便 – The portable colorimeter allows for quick and easy access to your most frequently used testing methods in less than four clicks. The portable colorimeter also helps satisfying core testing needs by offering at least 90 of the most common testing parameters.
Easy to use 容易操作 – This instrument comes with an intuitive user interface, data storage for up to 500 tests and a built-in USB port for the easy transfer of information.
Ruggedness 堅固耐用設計 – This colorimeter is waterproof, dustproof, shock resistant, and has been drop tested for greater quality assurance. Combining all these features with a push button backlit display for use in low light areas, you have a portable colorimeter which is field-ready, and makes testing in harsh field environments a little less challenging.
• 讀數模式有濃度、%透光率,吸光度。
• 預建90款測量程序,使用者可自建10款測量程序。
• 可設定常用測量程序收藏功能以快速找尋您收藏的常用測量程序。
• 空白調節和標準調節功能可校正不同批次試劑之間的差異。
• 數據儲存量500條,符合GLP標準,可利用USB傳輸數據。
• 背光顯示功能方便使用者在較暗的場所或陽光直射下操作儀器。
• 可選中文操作界面,指示圖標可引導使用者完成程序或功能設定。
• 符合人體工學設計,方便操作,IP67防護等級。防跌落及抗震性能極佳。
Methods/Procedures (101) :
Toxicity, ToxTrak™ Method 10017, Test 'N Tube™ Vials
Methods/Procedures(0.22 MB) Ed9