紫外線可見光分光光度計(實驗室水質分析儀) DR6000 UV-VIS Benchtop Spectrophotometer
DR6000廣泛應用於工業廢水,民生污水,環保, 教育科研,疾病管控等領域的實驗室水質分析。測試參數涵蓋餘氯/總氯、、過氧乙酸、過氧化氫 H2O2、氟、COD、氨氮、鈷、鐵、錳、鎳、鉛、鉬、銅、鉻、六價鉻、鋁、碘、硼、汞、鍍銀、硝酸鹽氮、硫酸鹽、PCB 多氯聯苯、氰化物、硫化物、TKN、酚、磷、鉀、硒、二氧化矽、三鹵甲烷、揮發酸、甲草胺等(詳見測試參數/方法/試劑)、真色色度 ADMI值。
The industry’s most advanced lab spectrophotometer.
The DR6000™ is the industry’s most advanced lab spectrophotometer. It offers high speed wavelength scanning across the UV and Visible Spectrum, and comes with over 250 pre-programmed methods which include the most common testing methods used today.
配有 250 多種預先程式編碼測試方法,其中包括最常用的測試方法。
透過DR6000 使用Hach專利的TNTplus™ 試劑瓶進行分析,透過引導式測試程序獲得更高的準確度。
With optional accessories allowing for high volume testing via a carousel sample changer, and increased accuracy with a sample delivery system which eliminates optical difference errors, this instrument ensures you are ready to handle your wide-ranging water testing needs. 選購配件,可透過轉盤進樣器進行大容量測試,並透過樣品輸送系統提高精度,消除光學差異誤差,確保您準備好滿足廣泛的水測試需求。
Combining the DR6000 with Hach’s patented TNTplus™ reagent vials, you gain additional accuracy with guided step-by-step testing procedures, while making scratched, flawed or dirty glassware a non-issue due to 10 reading averages and the discarding of outliers. The instrument also utilizes RFID technology, allowing it to automatically let you know if your TNTplus reagents have expired, while detecting coefficient factors to avoid errors which can occur in lot-to-lot variations in the chemistries.
Partnering all of these features with an integrated QA software package allows for scheduling, documenting and interpreting your needed quality measurements.
This instrument connects to Claros, Hach’s innovative Water Intelligence System, enabling you to seamlessly connect and manage instruments, data, and process – anywhere, anytime. The result is greater confidence in your data and improved efficiency in your operations. To unlock the full potential of Claros, insist on Claros Enabled instruments.
關鍵字 : 多參數 水質分析儀, 水 真色色度分析, 多種參數 實驗室 水質分析儀
DR6000廣泛應用於工業廢水,民生污水,環保, 教育科研,疾病管控等領域的實驗室水質分析。測試參數涵蓋餘氯/總氯、、過氧乙酸、過氧化氫 H2O2、氟、COD、氨氮、鈷、鐵、錳、鎳、鉛、鉬、銅、鉻、六價鉻、鋁、碘、硼、汞、鍍銀、硝酸鹽氮、硫酸鹽、PCB 多氯聯苯、氰化物、硫化物、TKN、酚、磷、鉀、硒、二氧化矽、三鹵甲烷、揮發酸、甲草胺等(詳見測試參數/方法/試劑)、真色色度 ADMI值。
The industry’s most advanced lab spectrophotometer.
The DR6000™ is the industry’s most advanced lab spectrophotometer. It offers high speed wavelength scanning across the UV and Visible Spectrum, and comes with over 250 pre-programmed methods which include the most common testing methods used today.
配有 250 多種預先程式編碼測試方法,其中包括最常用的測試方法。
透過DR6000 使用Hach專利的TNTplus™ 試劑瓶進行分析,透過引導式測試程序獲得更高的準確度。
With optional accessories allowing for high volume testing via a carousel sample changer, and increased accuracy with a sample delivery system which eliminates optical difference errors, this instrument ensures you are ready to handle your wide-ranging water testing needs. 選購配件,可透過轉盤進樣器進行大容量測試,並透過樣品輸送系統提高精度,消除光學差異誤差,確保您準備好滿足廣泛的水測試需求。
Combining the DR6000 with Hach’s patented TNTplus™ reagent vials, you gain additional accuracy with guided step-by-step testing procedures, while making scratched, flawed or dirty glassware a non-issue due to 10 reading averages and the discarding of outliers. The instrument also utilizes RFID technology, allowing it to automatically let you know if your TNTplus reagents have expired, while detecting coefficient factors to avoid errors which can occur in lot-to-lot variations in the chemistries.
Partnering all of these features with an integrated QA software package allows for scheduling, documenting and interpreting your needed quality measurements.
This instrument connects to Claros, Hach’s innovative Water Intelligence System, enabling you to seamlessly connect and manage instruments, data, and process – anywhere, anytime. The result is greater confidence in your data and improved efficiency in your operations. To unlock the full potential of Claros, insist on Claros Enabled instruments.
關鍵字 : 多參數 水質分析儀, 水 真色色度分析, 多種參數 實驗室 水質分析儀
- 儀器內建250多種程式,包括TOC總有機碳、重金屬和營養鹽等參數檢測
- 直覺式操作選單以及7英寸彩色觸控螢幕讓使用者透過幾個簡單步驟即可輸入和進行校正
- 另有可選配應用包,包括飲用水,啤酒等分析
- 快速掃描與簡單的LIMS(實驗室訊息管理系統)結合,DR6000有效提升實驗室的分析效率
- 數據儲存功能,可儲存5000組數據及200個使用者自定義程序
- 可自動識別Hach條碼預製試劑,自動測定不同位置的10個數值,去除異常值並取平均值,且10秒內即可顯示最終平均值結果
- 搭配Hach預製試劑,大幅減少工作步驟,且與標準方法具有可比性
- 可監測實驗過程,並隨時查看校正數據、批號、測量步驟以及原始數據
- 可選配旋轉適配器,消解器以及用於連續分析的流通池模組
- 三個USB接口,並有網路接頭,讓使用者能夠快速獲取數據並進行即時傳輸
- 可直接連接印表機,列印實驗結果
- 具有三級密碼保護功能,權限設定功能以及定時器功能
Your Water Testing Needs, All in One Spectrophotometer
The DR6000 has the most pre-programmed testing methods, including high speed wavelength scanning across the UV and Visible Spectrum.
The DR6000 has the most pre-programmed testing methods, including high speed wavelength scanning across the UV and Visible Spectrum.
Accessories for High Volume and High Accuracy Testing Needs
A carousel sample changer allows for up to seven sequential measurements. The Sipper Module, an instrument controlled sample delivery system, increases precision by constant optical characteristics.
A carousel sample changer allows for up to seven sequential measurements. The Sipper Module, an instrument controlled sample delivery system, increases precision by constant optical characteristics.
Advanced Quality Assurance at Your Fingertips
The DR6000 comes with integrated QA software for scheduling, documenting and interpreting all of your needed quality measurements.
The DR6000 comes with integrated QA software for scheduling, documenting and interpreting all of your needed quality measurements.
Guided Procedures and Elimination of False Readings
The DR6000, when used with TNTplus® reagent vials provides you the accurate results you need by guiding you step-by-step through your testing procedures. With TNTplus the instrument averages 10 readings and eliminating outliers, making scratched, flawed or dirty glassware a non-issue.
The DR6000, when used with TNTplus® reagent vials provides you the accurate results you need by guiding you step-by-step through your testing procedures. With TNTplus the instrument averages 10 readings and eliminating outliers, making scratched, flawed or dirty glassware a non-issue.
Large Color Touch Screen Interface
The color display allows instant identification of alerts and easy comparison of overlayed graphical data. The touch screen interface is intuitive to use, minimizing the need to reference the user manual.
The color display allows instant identification of alerts and easy comparison of overlayed graphical data. The touch screen interface is intuitive to use, minimizing the need to reference the user manual.