水中總有機碳分析試劑(中濃度) Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Reagent Set, MR
For determination of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) by the Mid Range Test 'N Tube™ method.

Hach Method 10173.
Range 量測範圍 : 15 - 150 mg/L
Set includes digestion vials and reagents for 25-50 tests (dependent upon the number of reagent blank tests performed).
Requires digestion.

*使用Hach 分光光度計DR6000, DR3800, DR2800, DR2700, DR1900, DR5000, DR3900, 比色計DR900進行分析

關鍵字 : 污水 TOC 濃度 分析試劑
The Hach TOC method requires only a fraction of the investment and operational costs of a conventional TOC analyzer.
Easy to use
Only minimal training is required to perform the method.
The Hach TOC method correlates well to regulatory-approved instrumental methods on natural waters, drinking water, and wastewater samples.
Prepared reagents are contained in screw-capped vials to reduce laboratory waste and associated disposal problems.