Lufft MARWIS - Mobile Advanced Road Weather Information Sensor 移動式路面氣象感測器
測量參數 : 路面狀況(乾、濕、冰、雪、大量積水)、路面溫度、環境溫度、水膜高度(高達6mm)、露點溫度、相對濕度、含冰比例、摩擦係數(需計算)
MARWIS is the first road and runway weather sensor detecting road conditions, temperatures, friction and other parameters mobile and in real time from driving vehicles.
The mobile road weather sensor MARWIS turns vehicles into driving weather stations by detecting several critical road and runway weather parameters. It can be installed on vehicles with a distance of 1 - 2m above the surface and delivers information about temperatures, waterfilm heights, dew points, road conditions (dry, moist, wet, snow, ice), ice percentages, rel. humidity and friction with a frequency of up to 100 times per second and a max. output rate of 10 Hz. It serves as an important decision support with regard to preventive gritting. Due to the open interface protocols, MARWIS can be easily integrated into existing winter maintenance monitoring networks. Similarly, the mobile road sensor can communicate directly with the control system on gritting vehicles. The measurement data output supports the protocol UMB binary.
Parameters measured: Road condition (dry, moist, wet, ice, snow, slush, chemically wet), road surface temperature, ambient temperature, water film height up to 6mm, dew point temperature, relative humidity, ice percentage, friction (calculated)
- 對路面和高速公路道路維護管理人員提供重要資訊
- 對跑道除冰提供重要資訊(提升效率)
- IDS(冰探測系統)是形成跑道狀態碼、水膜高度和機場摩擦器的重要組成要素
- 用於天氣數據收集和天氣預報模型改善
- 智慧城市應用
MARWIS is the first road and runway weather sensor detecting road conditions, temperatures, friction and other parameters mobile and in real time from driving vehicles.
The mobile road weather sensor MARWIS turns vehicles into driving weather stations by detecting several critical road and runway weather parameters. It can be installed on vehicles with a distance of 1 - 2m above the surface and delivers information about temperatures, waterfilm heights, dew points, road conditions (dry, moist, wet, snow, ice), ice percentages, rel. humidity and friction with a frequency of up to 100 times per second and a max. output rate of 10 Hz. It serves as an important decision support with regard to preventive gritting. Due to the open interface protocols, MARWIS can be easily integrated into existing winter maintenance monitoring networks. Similarly, the mobile road sensor can communicate directly with the control system on gritting vehicles. The measurement data output supports the protocol UMB binary.
Parameters measured: Road condition (dry, moist, wet, ice, snow, slush, chemically wet), road surface temperature, ambient temperature, water film height up to 6mm, dew point temperature, relative humidity, ice percentage, friction (calculated)
- 對路面和高速公路道路維護管理人員提供重要資訊
- 對跑道除冰提供重要資訊(提升效率)
- IDS(冰探測系統)是形成跑道狀態碼、水膜高度和機場摩擦器的重要組成要素
- 用於天氣數據收集和天氣預報模型改善
- 智慧城市應用
Advantages of the mobile road and weather sensor MARWIS:
- Easy data transfer via Bluetooth, RS485 or CAN-Bus
- Dynamic mobile data in real time and 100 times per second and a max. output rate of 10Hz.
- Multifunctionality
- Measurements both on the ground and in the ambient air
- Easy to install and to clean
- Free MARWIS app for calibration, data view as well as transfer available on Google Play and iTunes
- One or two meter version for different vehicle types
Measurement technology: Optical LED transmitters, photo receivers, pyrometer, infrared
Product highlights:
Mobile, plug and play, 100 measurements per second with max. output rate of 10Hz, multifunctional, real time thermal mapping, wireless data transfer
Interfaces: Bluetooth, RS485, CAN-Bus
Article number: 8900.U03, 8900.U04
Examples of use of the mobile road and weather sensor MARWIS:
- Decision support for winter maintenance operators on roads, motorways, highways (municipalities, federal states and provinces)
- Decision support for the de-icing of runways (higher efficiency)
- As important part of the IDS (Ice Detection System) in form of a RCC (Runway Condition Code), water film height (aqua-planning risk) and friction detector on airports (digital alternative to mechanic grip testers)
- For smart city applications
- For weather data collection and weather forecast model improvements
型錄下載 Brochure - Lufft - MARWIS (EN) Download, 2.21 MB
LUFFT精密工藝於全球相關氣象監測領域廣為人知,高度利用的智能氣象感測器遍布於全球的公路,鐵路和機場。 氣象服務、環保機構、能源供應商和建築設備製造商對於Lufft精確而持久的品質給予好評。
品質和精確度為Lufft的首要目標。自1995年以來,Lufft持續符合遵循國際公認標準ISO 9001要求認證之品質管理體系。
Lufft: A part of the OTT HydroMet Group. OTT HydroMet Group為Danaher集團旗下水平台之運營公司.