水中溶氧感測器 9582 sc Dissolved Oxygen Sensors
An integral part of the most complete water analytics system for the Power industry. Hach provides a broad range of product options designed to work together into flexible solutions to meet your unique needs. Hach’s comprehensive approach saves you time on design, installation, training, maintenance, and operation.
Measurements 量測範圍 : 0 to 2000 ppb (0-2 ppm)
Repeatability 重複性 : ± 0.5 ppb or ±5%, whichever is greater
Lower Limit of Detection (LOD) 偵測限值 : < 1 ppb
Temperature Compensation 溫度補償 : Automatic in the range of 0 - 45 °C (32 - 113 °F)
Calibration Method 校正 : Zero: Electrically or with oxygen free water, Slope: in air or against a laboratory measurement
關鍵字 : 水中溶氧線上監測儀, Online DO analyzer, 電廠 水 溶氧 自動分析儀, Hach polymetron 9582sc Dissolved Oxygen Analyzer
An integral part of the most complete water analytics system for the Power industry. Hach provides a broad range of product options designed to work together into flexible solutions to meet your unique needs. Hach’s comprehensive approach saves you time on design, installation, training, maintenance, and operation.
Measurements 量測範圍 : 0 to 2000 ppb (0-2 ppm)
Repeatability 重複性 : ± 0.5 ppb or ±5%, whichever is greater
Lower Limit of Detection (LOD) 偵測限值 : < 1 ppb
Temperature Compensation 溫度補償 : Automatic in the range of 0 - 45 °C (32 - 113 °F)
Calibration Method 校正 : Zero: Electrically or with oxygen free water, Slope: in air or against a laboratory measurement
關鍵字 : 水中溶氧線上監測儀, Online DO analyzer, 電廠 水 溶氧 自動分析儀, Hach polymetron 9582sc Dissolved Oxygen Analyzer
Save Time on Design
A single design source and one product platform means you spend less time searching for design files or configuring components. Create and reuse your optimal design templates.
A single design source and one product platform means you spend less time searching for design files or configuring components. Create and reuse your optimal design templates.
Accelerate Your Installation
One source, interchangeable electronic components, a common user interface, and one support team make installation faster and less complicated. Quickly and easily transfer user settings between dissolved oxygen loops.
One source, interchangeable electronic components, a common user interface, and one support team make installation faster and less complicated. Quickly and easily transfer user settings between dissolved oxygen loops.
Reduce Training Complexity
A single platform minimizes time required to teach and learn product operations, getting new systems in use faster.
A single platform minimizes time required to teach and learn product operations, getting new systems in use faster.
Simplify Maintenance and Operation
Common menu guides reduce variability and provide step-by-step procedures for maintenance and calibration. Standard visual alerts across parameters notify operators when troubleshooting is required. Start-up and maintenance time are minimized with pre-mounted membrane cap and factory pre-conditioned sensors.
易於整合, 操作簡單
Hach提供各種各樣的產品供使用者選擇,以期這些產品能互相搭配整合成為靈活的解決方案,滿足您的獨特需求。 Hach所採用的綜合性方法能在設計、安裝、培訓、維護和操作等各環節節省您的資源。
採用常見操作選單指南,減少特殊性;針對維護和校正過程提供逐步作業法指導操作。 需要排除故障時,系統會發送各參數的標準可視警報通知操作者。 預安裝膜蓋和工廠預調節傳感器大幅縮短啟動和維護時間。