手持式水質分析儀/比色計(單參數) PCII 系列 POCKET Colorimeter II (停產)
此款型號已停產,請參考新一代 Hach DR300 單參數水質分析比色計, DR900 多參數水質分析比色計

Hach公司推出超過三十種型號的PCII 系列單參數水質分析儀一PCII 系列袖珍比色計,不僅適用於戶外現場水質測試(湖泊河流、農業水圳、地下水等等),同時也適用於實驗室內的水質分析。

PCII 系列單參數水質分析儀是Hach依照國際規範化的檢測方法進行預先編寫程式,將標準曲線存入單參數水質分析儀中,在標準化的實驗室內進行出廠前嚴格校正驗證。

PCII 系列單參數水質分析儀可進行一項或多項參數的測量,檢測參數: 二氧化氯, 餘氯, 總氯, COD, 磷酸鹽, 鋁, 溴, 鈷和鎳, 硝酸鹽氮, 臭氧, pH值, 氨, 氯胺, 游離氨, 鉻, 銅, 溶氧(DO), 氟化物, 鐵, 鉛, 錳, 鉬, 膦, 矽, 硫酸鹽, 鋅, 銨, 磷酸鹽, 甲醛, 除草劑Atrazine等, 並可直接顯示測量結果。
此款型號已停產,請參考新一代技術新品 : DR300 手持式比色計/水質計
Part Number
5870051 Chlorine Dioxide
5870000 Chlorine, low range - as free & total Cl2
5870006 Phosphate, ortho
5870025 Aluminum
5870001 Bromine
5870020 Cobalt and Nickel
5870004 Ozone
5870042 Wavelength specific, 420 nm
5953000V.03 COD LR (suitable for LCK314, 614)
5870050 Wavelength specific, 500 nm
5870012 pH, and high range Chlorine
5870023 Chlorine, free; Swiftest Dispenser
5870024 Chlorine, total; Swiftest Dispenser
5870040 Ammonia
5870026 Chloramine, Mono and Free Ammonia - as Cl2
5870017 Chromium, low range - as Cr (VI)
5870019 Copper - as free Cu
5870003 Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
5870005 Fluoride
5870016 Iron, low range
5870022 Iron, medium range
5870021 Lead
5870015 Manganese
5870018 Manganese
5870010 Molybdate - as Molybdenum
5870002 Nitrate-Nitrogen
5870008 Phosphonate - As PO43-
5870034 Silica, high range
5870029 Sulphate
5870009 Zinc
5870052 Wavelength specific, 528 nm
5870060 Wavelength specific, 600 nm
5870058 Wavelength specific, 580 nm
5870055 Wavelength specific, 550 nm
5870045 Wavelength specific, 450 nm
5870065 Wavelength specific, 655 nm
5953000V.01 Ammonium (suitable for LCK303, 304, 305)
5953000V.02 Chlorine (suitable for LCK310)
5953000V.04 COD HR (suitable for LCK014, 114)
5953000V.05 Phosphate (suitable for LCK348, 349, 350)
5953000V.06 Zinc (suitable for LCK360)
5953000V.07 Chloride (suitable for LCK311)
5953000V.08 Formaldehyde (suitable for LCK325)
型錄 Language Size Date Edition
POCKET Colorimeter II - Small in size, big on precision 
English UK 656 KB 2015-10  
使用手冊 Language Size Date Edition
Basic User Manual: Pocket Colorimeter™ II 
DOC022.97.80451_Pocket Colorimeter™ II Instruction Manual-Mid-Range and High Range Chlorine
English US, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Korean, Japanese 1 MB 2014-04 Ed 1
User Manual: Pocket Colorimeter II 
English UK 710 KB 2014-04 Ed 1
測試方法/程序 Language Size Date Edition
Chlorine Dioxide, DPD Method, Powder Pillows, Pocket Colorimeter II 
English US 287 KB 2014-04 Ed 1