水中硫化物分析試劑 Sulfide Reagent Set, Methylene Blue
For determination of Sulfide by the Methylene Blue Method, using Hach Method 8131 and visual test kits. 通過亞甲藍法測定硫化物,使用 Hach 方法 8131 和目測試劑盒。

Photometric range: 5 - 800 µg/L sulfide. Test kit ranges: 0.01 - 0.55 to 2.5 - 11.25 mg/L sulfide. Set contains 2 100-mL bottles each of Sulfide 1 and Sulfide 2 Reagents. Approximately 100 tests. For turbid samples, also order Bromine Water (221120) and Phenol Solution (211220).

*搭配 Hach 比色計/分光光度計 使用