水中氟化物分析試劑(不含砷) SPADNS 2 (Arsenic-free) Fluoride Reagent Solution, 500 mL
For determination of Fluoride by Hach SPADNS 2 Method 10225. The SPADNS2 reagent formulation removes interference from chlorine without arsenic. Range : 0.02 - 2.00 mg/L F-.
EPA compliant.
500 mL bottle
以 Hach SPADNS 2 分析方法 10225 測定水中氟化物。SPADNS2 試劑配方消除氯的干擾,不含砷。 符合美國環保署方法標準。

*使用Hach 分光光度計DR6000, DR3800, DR2800, DR2700, DR1900, DR5000, DR3900, 比色計DR900進行分析
Identical performance to traditional Hach SPADNS
Use the same Hach instruments, test procedures, and calibration curves