鹽水/海水化學需氧量試劑(低濃度) COD in salt-/seawater - TNTplus Vial Test, LR (7 - 70 mg/L COD), 25 Tests
Expert COD test made simple.
For saline COD samples with Chloride concentrations up to 20,000 mg/L Cl-!
適用於分析氯化物濃度 20,000 mg/L Cl- 的鹽水 COD 水樣
COD TNTplus® chemistry and your Hach spectrophotometer are engineered to simplify water analysis for accurate results, everytime. For photometric determination of low range COD by the reactor digestion method. 以反應消解法分析水中低濃度化學需氧量

High Chloride concentrations usually interfere COD testing and lead to a high bias. Samples with low COD cannot simply be diluted since the COD detection limit is crucial. TNT815 is a safe, reliable and very easy to use method for the photometric detection of low range COD in saltwater samples, e.g. in seawater.

The Direct Read Technology will provide your COD result to the nearest mg/L!

No more cleaning glassware and dealing with large amounts of hazardous reagents and waste.

*使用Hach 分光光度計DR3900, DR6000, DR1900進行分析

關鍵字 : 海水 含鹽 低濃度 COD 分析試劑, 海水 化學需氧量 濃度, 鹽水 化學需氧量 濃度
COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) Method Range Instr, Test Kit, etc USEPA Compliant?
  10299 TNTplus 815 7 - 70 mg/L COD (LR)    
Easy and safe handling
The innovative vial and reagent delivery makes tests easier to use than powder pillows or liquid reagents and significantly reduces spillage or contamination risk.
No reagent blank necessary
The high quality of TNTplus vials, tight reagent production controls, instrument calibration verification, and high instrument stability all combine to eliminate the need to run reagent blanks—saving you time and money!
Automatic method detection
The bar-coded vials allow for automatic method detection and measurement by the spectrophotometer, considerably increasing the speed of analysis. Errors are reduced as instrument averages 10 readings and rejects outliers from scratched, flawed, or dirty glassware.
Documented shelf life and COA
The 2D vial barcode details batch number and expiry date of reagents, which are documented along with the measurement result. An automatic warning is issued if expiry date has passed. Lot specific information (COA) is available on RFID tag on the box.
Data Sheets Type Language Size Date Edition
Datasheet: TNTplus® Vial Chemistries - Expert water analysis made simple.
  English US 680 KB 2019-12 Dec19
Datasheets/Brochures Type Language Size Date Edition
Datasheet: Hach Methods Quick Reference Guide
  English US 183 KB 2020-01 Jan20
Methods/Procedures Type Language Size Date Edition
Oxygen Demand in Salt Water, Chemical-Method 10299 TNTplus 815
  English US 342 KB 2019-08 Aug19 Ed2
Oxygen Demand in Salt Water, Chemical-Method 10299 TNTplus 816
  English US 342 KB 2019-08 Aug19 Ed2
Short Working Procedure: TNT815 Chemical Oxygen Demand in salt water, Method 10299
  English US 284 KB 2019-08 Jul19 Ed1

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