啤酒分析軟體(用於DR6000分光光度計) Application Software Brewery Analysis
The application software LZV942 contains 12 brewery assays that conveniently upload to a DR6000 via USB. Assays are based on published and observed brewing methods according MEBAK and include procedures and calculations for: Anthocyanogens, Iron, Steam volatile phenols, Bitter units, Photometric iodine, Thiobarbituric acid number (TAN), Free amino nitrogen, Reductones, Vicinal diketones.
應用軟體 LZV942 包含 12 種啤酒成分分析,可透過 USB 輕鬆上傳至 DR6000 分光光度計。測定程序根據根據MEBAK 公佈和觀察的釀造方法,包括以下程序和計算:花青素、鐵、蒸汽揮發酚、苦味單位、光度碘、硫代巴比妥酸值(TAN)、遊離氨基氮、還原酮、鄰位二酮。

*使用Hach DR6000 分光光度計設備進行分析
Methods are ready to go.
The methods are convenient to upload via USB.
Keep control of time depending multiple measurements.
A timer function alerts about the next step and starts evaluation of multiple samples automatically.
Get the final result immediately after the analysis.
The photometer does the complex result calculation for you.