線上水中溶氧感測器(光學法) Hach LDO sc Model 2 , Dissolved Oxygen Sensor with Luminescent Technology
Hach 創新光學法 LDO® 感測器技術,讓您準確有效輕鬆完成溶氧測量!

Accurate process monitoring of dissolved oxygen in water for precise aeration control

The Luminescent Dissolved Oxygen (LDO) sc, Model 2 accurately measures dissolve oxygen levels in water.

This DO probe has a robust design with a small footprint which allows for easier handling and enhanced durability from the LDO 1. Using this probe will save you time and money through overall reduction in your aeration blower energy usage.

This Hach LDO probe comes ready to use right out of the box, with no calibration required for life of the sensor cap.

The probe comes with a 3-year warranty, and the sensor cap has a 2-year warranty and is compatible with all Hach digital SC controllers.

Luminescent Dissolved Oxygen Technology
The LDO sc Model 2 uses luminescent dissolved oxygen technology within the O₂ sensor (oxygen sensor) cap ensuring high levels of accuracy.

Virtually no Maintenance Required
As this is an optical probe, there is virtually no maintenance required — as there are no membranes to replace, no electrolyte solution to replenish, and no anodes or cathodes to clean. Compare this with traditional DO probes which DO require sensor calibration (increasing maintenance).

Just replace the cap every two years, and customizable service trigger indicators ensure you'll never miss a cleaning cycle or cap replacement.


•No Calibration Required 無須校正
•No Membranes to Replace 無須更換膜
•No Missed Cleaning Cycles 不會漏失清潔循環
•No Drift 無漂移
•No Complications 簡單操作

Communication : Modbus via SC controller 數位或類比控制器可選配置使用
Measurement Range 2 : 0 - 20.00 mg/L
Measurement Range 3 : 0 - 200% saturation
Length : 254 mm
Accuracy Below 5 ppm: ± 0.1 ppm
Accuracy 2 Above 5 ppm: ± 0.2 ppm

關鍵字: 水 溶氧 分析儀, 水 DO sensor, Dissolved Oxygen sensor, 水 含氧量 監測, 水 溶氧 自動分析, 線上 溶解氧 連續監測, 光學 溶氧 感測器, do analyzer, 水 含氧量 自動分析
No Calibration Required
The Hach LDO sc probe uses luminescent dissolved oxygen technology. Traditional DO probes require DO sensor calibration, which increase maintenance requirements.
No Membranes to Replace
There is virtually no maintenance with Hach's breakthrough luminescent technology. There are no membranes to replace, no electrolyte solution to replenish, and no anode or cathode to clean.
No Missed Cleaning Cycles
The Hach LDO sc probe is equipped with Prognosys, a predictive diagnostic system, that allows you to be proactive in your maintenance by alerting you to upcoming instrument issues. Know with confidence whether changes in your dissolved oxygen level measurements are due to changes in your instrument or your water. To make sure routine cleaning cycles are never missed, the probe offers operators customizable diagnostic alert indicators, ensuring the probe can operate at its maximum performance level.
Customizable service indicators trigger a service message so that a cleaning cycle is never missed.
No Drift
Cutting-edge 3D calibration procedure is conducted prior to shipping, the DO probe will not drift and is more accurate than ever before.
No Complications
Our newest DO probe has a robust design with a smaller footprint allows for easier handling with enhanced durability.