電力和蒸汽能源產業 Power and Steam Generation
Efficiency, Meet Reliability 效率 可靠
數十年來,Hach 持續提供全球電力能源產業用戶專家方案和支援 - 從淨化到電廠污染預防、蒸汽和水質分析系統(SWAS)到製程監控和實驗室驗證,您獲得可靠一致、可驗證的量測數據。
Hach® understands the critical role water plays in power plant efficiency and, ultimately, profitability. For more than 85 years, we’ve led the way in water quality analysis, delivering an expertise you can rely on for water system monitoring, verification, and protection that keeps your plant online and efficient.
For decades, the power generation industry has turned to Hach for expert solutions and support—from purification to power plant pollution prevention, Steam and Water Analysis Systems (SWAS) to process monitoring and laboratory verification. In short, with Hach, you get results that are consistent, verifiable and powerful.
Efficiency Made Complete 提高效率
Hach 為電力能源產業提供最全面的水質測量方案,幫助客戶達成、提高和維持效率目標。我們針對超純水、純水和非純水參數提供可靠、準確的專業方案,滿足火力發電廠、核電廠、汽電共生以及熱力和蒸汽生產的多樣化需求。
We offer the most comprehensive suite of water solutions for the power generation industry, helping you reach, improve and maintain your efficiency goals. Our reliable and accurate solutions for ultrapure, pure and non-pure water parameters serve the diverse needs of fossil power plants, nuclear power plants, cogeneration and heat and steam production.
We offer the most comprehensive suite of water solutions for the power generation industry, helping you reach, improve and maintain your efficiency goals. Our reliable and accurate solutions for ultrapure, pure and non-pure water parameters serve the diverse needs of fossil power plants, nuclear power plants, cogeneration and heat and steam production.
Proven Protection 經過驗證的保護
透過Hach 的實驗室、線上、手持式和戶外/現場量測方案,幫助客戶預防發電廠水污染、污染、腐蝕、結垢、結垢,並最終確保您的工作人員、操作人員和設備的安全。Hach 提供更小誤差範圍和值得信賴的測量結果,幫助發電站及其水管理合作夥伴努力提高冷卻水和蒸汽水循環的效率。
With our laboratory, online, portable and on-site solutions, we help you protect against power plant water pollution, contamination, corrosion, scaling, fouling, and ultimately, keep your workers, operators and equipment safe. With less labor, narrower error ranges, more accurate results, Hach provides trusted measurements to assist power stations and their water management partners as they strive to improve efficiency in their cooling water and steam water cycles.
With our laboratory, online, portable and on-site solutions, we help you protect against power plant water pollution, contamination, corrosion, scaling, fouling, and ultimately, keep your workers, operators and equipment safe. With less labor, narrower error ranges, more accurate results, Hach provides trusted measurements to assist power stations and their water management partners as they strive to improve efficiency in their cooling water and steam water cycles.
Maintenance and Verification 維護與驗證
Hach 測量技術方案,大幅減少每月電廠維護量,同時遵守水質規範和驗證標準,幫助客戶提高蒸汽發電廠的熱效率並增加正常運行時間。
We offer the field equipment and industry expertise to minimize monthly power plant maintenance while holding true to both water quality requirements and verification protocols, which can help you improve the thermal efficiency of steam power plants and increase uptime.
We offer the field equipment and industry expertise to minimize monthly power plant maintenance while holding true to both water quality requirements and verification protocols, which can help you improve the thermal efficiency of steam power plants and increase uptime.

Featured Applications for the Power Generation Industry

Influent Water Treatment 進水處理
Pretreat influent water before it enters your plant’s system. Proper influent water monitoring is the first defense to protecting the health of your equipment and preventing corrosion. By properly treating water at this stage, you can reduce costs and treatment within the power and steam generating process.
- Chlorine
- Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
- TSS/Metals
- pH

Steam and Power Generation 蒸汽和發電
確保您使用的水質有最高品質,可以保護您的設備(從管道到渦輪機和鍋爐)。大幅減少二氧化矽含量以防止渦輪葉片腐蝕,並監測和管理溶氧 (DO) 和鐵以防止腐蝕。
Protect your equipment – from pipes and tubes, to turbines and boilers – by ensuring your water is of the highest quality. Minimize silica levels to prevent turbine blade erosion and monitor and manage dissolved oxygen (DO) and iron to prevent corrosion.
Cooling Water 冷卻水
透過有效控制總懸浮固體 (TSS) 以確保傳熱過程盡可能的高效率,以避免由於結垢和礦物質而導致的相關費用和設備停機時間,而這些污垢和堆積的礦物質有可能導致結垢和危險操作情形。
Ensure heat transfer processes are as efficient as possible by effectively controlling total suspended solids (TSS) to avoid the expense and downtime associated with fouling and mineral buildup that can cause scaling and hazardous operating conditions.
Ensure heat transfer processes are as efficient as possible by effectively controlling total suspended solids (TSS) to avoid the expense and downtime associated with fouling and mineral buildup that can cause scaling and hazardous operating conditions.
- Silica
- Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
- Conductivity
- Sodium
- pH

Industrial Wastewater 工業廢水
確保符合所有排放法規要求。Hach 工業廢水測量方案協助大幅減少對環境的影響並確保遵守法規標準。
Ensure compliance with all discharge requirements. Our industrial wastewater solutions help you minimize environmental impact and ensure compliance with permits.
Ensure compliance with all discharge requirements. Our industrial wastewater solutions help you minimize environmental impact and ensure compliance with permits.
- TSS/Metals
- Nitrates
- pH