飲用水(自來水)水質分析 Drinking Water Quality
Hach 以超過85年的飲用水分析經驗與專業技術協助您面對各項挑戰

Save time and money; reduce non-revenue water; react faster to changes in your water; and get more accurate results for your municipal drinking water throughout the entire treatment process.
Hach’s® solutions are designed to make drinking water analysis better, from plant to lab to field, giving you total confidence in the quality of your water.
Hach covers all the drinking water testing parameters that you use to analyze and treat incoming raw water, filtration, disinfection and the distribution system. Click on the icons below to learn more about how Hach helps in each stage of the treatment process for the analysis of drinking water.
節省時間和金錢; 減少損耗; 更快地因應水質變化; 在整個水處理過程都獲得更準確的民生飲用水結果。
Hach's® 方案改善自來水廠、實驗室、以及現場的飲用水分析檢測,讓您對水質充滿信心。

Pre-treatment 預處理
Source water can be vulnerable to accidental or intentional contaminants and weather related or seasonal changes. Monitoring the quality of your incoming source water enables you to anticipate changes to the treatment process that are needed to react to storms, algal blooms, industrial discharge, chemical spills, reservoir stratification/destratification, construction activity, sewage spills and other natural or man-made occurrences.
Protect your budget and reduce operating costs, like electricity, chemicals, and sludge with effective monitoring of organics, and inorganic matter. Maintain the correct dosing for coagulants and respective pH adjustments. Test parameters such as: Total Organic Carbon TOC, TOC analyzer, Carbon analyzer, Bacteria in water, and Heterotrophic bacteria.
源水容易受到意外或有意圖的污染物以及與天氣相關或季節性變化的影響。 監測進水源水的品質讓您能夠預期因為各項因素而需在處理過程採取因應改變,例如暴風雨、藻華、工業排放、化學品洩漏、水庫分層/去分層、建築工程活動、污水洩漏、和其他自然或人為事件。
透過有效監測有機物和無機物來保護您的預算開支並降低營運成本,如電力、化學品和污泥。 保持正確的混凝劑劑量和相應的pH值調整。 測試參數:總有機碳TOC、TOC分析儀、碳分析儀、水中細菌、異養細菌。

Filtration 過濾
Optimize filtration with accurate turbidity measurements
Protect your filters and avoid costly mistakes by monitoring filter performance in municipal water treatment. Keep total output under control, optimizing the amount of water used for backwashing as well as the quality of water before disinfection. Having reliable turbidimeters at the outlet of each filter gives you confidence and peace of mind. Filter parameters include: Turbidity, Suspended Solids, Alkalinity, and Particle Counting.
Not only is monitoring turbidity effluent required for regulatory compliance, it helps to ensure the final product is safe for public consumption. In addition to meeting regulatory requirements, monitoring turbidity is also beneficial for optimizing filter performance, establishing filter backwash cycles, and detecting filter breakthrough.
透過監控民生飲用水處理程序中的過濾效能以保護您的過濾器並避免造成昂貴失誤。 控制總產量,最佳化反沖洗的用水量和消毒前水質。 在每個過濾器的出口處安裝可靠的濁度計,使得您對水質有信心和安心。 過濾器測試參數包括:濁度、懸浮固體、鹼度和顆粒計數。
監測濁度出水不僅是監管法規所要求的,而且有助於確保最終出水對公眾使用上是安全的。 除了滿足法規要求之外,監測濁度還有助於最佳化過濾器的效能、建立過濾器的反沖洗循環以及偵測過濾器。

Disinfection 消毒
Improve control of your disinfection process
Save money on resources during your disinfection process by pinpointing your resource needs. Disinfection is a complex process, affected by a variety of factors. If your water has a high level of organics, you risk forming carcinogenic by-products. If you do not add enough disinfectant, you may risk microbiological growth. A wide range of analytical methods and instrumentation is available to address the specific needs of each unique plant and process, including chlorination, chloramination and UV disinfection.
Regardless of the type of disinfectant used, analytical testing can help you comply with regulations, maximize disinfection efficiency, determine adequate CT credits, optimize chemical feed pump rates, reduce the risk of disinfection byproducts, and control taste and odor issues.
透過明確針對您的資源需求規劃,以利在消毒過程中節省資源。 消毒是一個複雜的過程,受多種因素的影響。 如果您的水含有大量有機物,就有可能形成致癌副產品。 如果您沒有投放足夠的消毒劑,可能會面臨到微生物生長的風險。 Hach提供範圍廣泛的分析方法和儀器來滿足每個獨特飲用水廠和程序的特定需求,包括氯化、氯胺化和紫外線消毒。

Distribution Systems 配水系統
Monitor water quality in the distribution system
By monitoring treated water within the water distribution system network, you can identify potential problems that pose risks to public health and threaten regulatory compliance. Once treated water leaves the plant, it can come in contact with various components within the distribution system that potentially alter the quality of the water before it reaches consumers. This makes it hard to guarantee quality for the customer and emphasizes the importance of testing samples in the field.
Hach helps you monitor specific parameters in the distribution system to ensure delivery of safe drinking water to the community. Additional monitoring can also provide early indication of nitrification issues, pH, alkalinity, hardness, conductivity, water infiltration, line breaks, extended water age, or potential security violations.
透過監測配水系統內的處理水,您就可辨別對公共健康構成風險並影響監管法規遵循的潛在問題。 處理好的水離開自來水廠後,可能會與配水系統中的各種元件接觸,因此可能會在到達消費者手中之前改變水質。 這使得對客戶難以保證品質,因此強調在現場測試水樣的重要性。
Hach協助您監控配水系統中的特定水質參數,以確保為社區提供安全的飲用水。 額外的監測還包括辨相關參數的早期跡象,包括硝化問題、pH 值、鹼度、硬度、電導率、水滲透、斷線、延長水齡或潛在安全違規等。