海水淡化水質分析方案 Desalination Industry
Day-to-Day Monitoring of Desalination 海水淡化的日常監測
Desalination plants are continuously trying to improve performance or efficiency.
Desalination plants are continuously trying to improve performance or efficiency.
One of the major operational issues of desalination facilities involves day-to-day monitoring of the complete process and careful preventive maintenance.
Hach designs and builds a full range of online water analyzers that can help achieve process transparency throughout the desalination process, particularly for the desalination of seawater and brackish water by reverse osmosis.
Hach 廣泛多種參數的實驗室和線上水質分析儀,協助掌握整個海水淡化過程的製程透明度,特別是透過逆滲透法淡化海水。協助海水淡化過程的日常監控和仔細的預防性維護,提高效能或效率。
Protecting Assets by Controlling Water Quality 透過分析監控水質來保護海水淡化廠的設備資產
According to the International Desalination Association, an estimated 18,000 desalination plants are spread across 150 countries, with reverse osmosis being one of the leading membrane-based technologies to remove dissolved salts and other impurities from oceanic or underground sources.
根據國際海水淡化協會,估計約有18,000個海水淡化廠分佈於全球 150 個國家/地區,其中逆滲透是領先的薄膜的技術之一,以去除來自於海洋或地下來源的溶解鹽分和其他雜質。
Desalination plants, by definition manufacturing facilities, are continuously trying to improve performance or efficiency. The major operational issues of today’s desalination facilities involve day-to-day monitoring of the complete process and careful preventive maintenance. Hach designs and builds a full range of on-line water analyzers that can be used to achieve process transparency at all stages of the desalination process, particularly for reverse osmosis water such as:
- Sea Water RO
- Brackish Water RO
海水淡化廠,顧名思義是製造設施,持續努力提高效能或效率。現今海水淡化設施的主要營運問題包括對於整個程序的日常監控和仔細的預防性維護。Hach 設計並製造全系列的線上水質自動分析儀,可用於海水淡化過程的所有階段,達到程序透明化,特別是對於逆滲透水,例如:
For over 85 years, Hach ® has offered water analytical instruments for process, lab, and handheld applications. Hach makes water analysis better, faster, simpler, greener, and more informative.
With Hach, Desalination plants can:
- Protect their asset by controlling the quality of the water they feed in their plant
- Minimize the loss of produced water
- Maximize the uptime of the plant
- Provide safe potable water
Hach® 持續提供多方面水質分析儀器超過90年, 包括 實驗室分析、線上監測和手持式戶外/現場檢測水質儀器。
Hach 公司協助全球客戶讓水質分析更好、更快、更簡單、更環保並且更具資訊性。
Hach 水質分析儀器方案協助海水淡化廠:
• 透過控制廠區內用水的品質以保護相關設備資產
• 將出水的損失減到最小
• 將淡水廠的正常運行時間延伸到最長
• 提供安全的飲用水
海水中天然存在的成分通常是蠻大量的,因而需要在脫鹽過程中採取額外的處理才能夠去除,以符合可供人們使用的品質要求。 若將這些成分帶到逆滲透階段可能會產生不需要的殘留物或副產品。


膜的結垢或堵塞會導致維護要增加、能源成本增加和膜壽命縮短。 線上自動監測化學和生物的關鍵水質參數能夠將您的淡化程序提升到新的水準,同時減少不必要的花費。

配送水的品質與民眾健康息息相關。 飲用水的品質標準通常需要大量的物理化學和生物分析,而這些水質分析是在地方當局配送之前即須進行。

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Laboratory solutions include simple, reliable and accurate tests that support quality and compliance decision making.
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Process solutions include online sensors that provide round-the-clock support for critical operational and process decision making. |