工業廢水監測方案 Industrial Wastewater Treatment

Hach致力於透過 Claros™(Hach智慧水管理系統)成為客戶的合作夥伴。 透過 Claros系統,您可以將各項監測數據轉化為可操作的觀察分析,然後即時應變。 Claros系統還可協助您保持符合規範標準進而有效節省營運成本,協助您確保相關運作平穩進行。
Hach is committed to being an initiative partner to our customers with Claros™, Hach’s Water Intelligence System. With Claros, you can turn data into actionable insights to then adapt in real-time to variability in the incoming load. Claros also helps you stay in compliance and reduce operating costs with the confidence that your plant is running smoothly.

Data Quality with Mobile Sensor Management
Quick Status Check
Many plant managers have concerns about trusting their data. Hach customers typically trust their data after just three short weeks of adopting Claros process management solutions.
Many plant managers have concerns about trusting their data. Hach customers typically trust their data after just three short weeks of adopting Claros process management solutions.
Mobile Sensor Management allows you to view your measurements and instrument status—anytime, anywhere on any web-enabled device. The included Prognosys Predictive Diagnostic Software monitors the instrument’s internal components and tracking service requirements. Then, Mobile Sensor Management alerts you to upcoming maintenance tasks or identifies immediate issues requiring attention. It also provides simple maintenance instructions in the palm of your hand to give operators and plant managers the confidence that the maintenance is being done correctly.
With Mobile Sensor Management, you can avoid unexpected downtime and have confidence in your water quality measurements.
Worry-Free Data Security
Keep Your Data Safe
Data security is our priority. Hach is committed to protecting the integrity of your data, with comprehensive data security processes, continual evaluation, and best-in-class partners such as Microsoft Azure to ensure data sovereignty and to eliminate opportunities for external intrusion. From data generation to transmission, storage, and retrieval, Hach is committed to keeping your data safe, now and into the future
Data security is our priority. Hach is committed to protecting the integrity of your data, with comprehensive data security processes, continual evaluation, and best-in-class partners such as Microsoft Azure to ensure data sovereignty and to eliminate opportunities for external intrusion. From data generation to transmission, storage, and retrieval, Hach is committed to keeping your data safe, now and into the future
工業廢水主要測試參數 Industrial Wastewater Parameters - Hach 產品方案
- Alkalinity 鹼度
- Ammonia
- Automatic Sampling 自動採水樣系統
- BOD5 and CBOD
- Chemical Oxygen Demand 化學需氧量
- Chlorine Total and ULR 總氯/餘氯
- Color 色度
- Conductivity 導電度
- Dissolved Oxygen 溶氧
- Flow Meters 流速計/流量計
- Nitrate 硝酸鹽
- Organic Load 有機負荷
- ORP / Redox
- pH/Temperature 酸鹼值/溫度
- Phosphate / Ortho
- Sludge Level 污泥濃度
- Total Nitrogen 總氮
- Total Organic Carbon TOC 總有機碳
- Total Phosphorus 總磷
- Total Suspended Solids 總懸浮固體
- Toxicity 水中毒性分析
- Turbidity 濁度