啤酒釀造產業 Craft Brewing for Beverage Industry
Hach and Brewers:
Better Beer, Better Analysis
Hach® has been helping the brewing industry for decades and we know that quality is key. It matters not just at the end of your line but more importantly, when and where your customer takes the first sip. As a craft brewer, the quality of your beer, along with flavor stability and shelf life, is critical to your brand and your overall business.  幾十年以來,Hach® 一直在協助啤酒釀造產業量測關鍵水質參數,我們知道品質是關鍵。品質不僅在您的生產線末端很重要,在消費者飲用時也同樣重要。啤酒的品質以及風味的穩定度和保固期對於您的品牌和整體業務都極為關鍵。
As your quantity production increases, take the hassle out of maintaining your quality.  隨著生產量的增加,透過高效能準確可靠的分析儀器協助您不費力的提升品質。
  • Improve beer clarity and flavor  提高啤酒澄清度和風味
  • Produce more beer by increasing batches through your fermenter and avoid off flavors  透過增加發酵槽的生產批次生產更多啤酒並避免異味
  • Ensure your bitterness flavor profiles are precisely what you intend  確保苦味特徵是您所想要的
  • Provide proper nutrients for yeast cells  為酵母細胞提供適當的營養
  • Meet your shelf life requirements  符合保存期限要求
See how Hach can help increase your shelf life through accurate TPO analysis. Explore Hach Brewing Products
Hach Orbisphere 3100 Portable Oxygen Analyzer
The Hach Orbisphere 3100 Portable Oxygen Analyzer ensures measurement accuracy in detecting small or large oxygen pick-ups across the brewing process. It's built to travel with you, measure where you need it most and can handle the extremes you encounter in your everyday brewing processes. Rely on the Orbisphere both for process grab sample checks of in-line instrumentation and for overall DO control in your craft brewery. 
Hach Orbisphere 3100 可攜式氧氣分析儀(光學法)可確保在整個啤酒釀造過程中氧氣的測量精準度。可隨身攜帶到您最需要的地方進行測量。透過 Orbisphere 來進行線上儀器的過程取樣檢查以及精釀啤酒廠的整體溶氧控制。
Hach DR6000 Spectrophotometer with Brewery Analysis Application Software for MEBAK or ASBC
The DR6000™ provides confidence in your quality testing and measures key brewing parameters, including color, VDK, bitterness, FAN and total polyphenols – with preprogrammed MEBAK and ASBC methods to ensure the best product quality and taste of your beer. The Brewery Analysis Package software upgrade contains 12 specific brewery assays that conveniently upload via USB to a DR6000.
DR6000™ 為您的品質測試提供信心,並測量啤酒釀造的關鍵參數,包括顏色、VDK、苦味、FAN 和總多酚 - 使用預先編程的 MEBAK 和 ASBC 方法來確保啤酒的最佳產品品質和口味。啤酒廠分析套組軟體升級包含 12 種特定的啤酒分析,可透過 USB 輕鬆上傳至 DR6000紫外線可見光分光光度計
Download application note : Testing Bitterness and Colour in Finished Beer: A Case Study  DOC042.52.20186 (Language : English UK, 1MB)