發佈日期 2024-08-22
Hach 創新技術 綠色環保 SL1000、SL250 手持式多通道多參數水質分析儀上市
無論操作人員之技術深淺,Hach SL1000、SL250 創新技術分析儀讓所有操作人員都容易使用,輕鬆執行現場水質分析。 Hach專利Chemkey®技術簡化測試方法,無需試劑樣品製備,現場水質檢測程序變得更容易、更快、更安全,同時大幅減少結果的變異性。
現場完成更多測試,更快獲得需要的結果,讓您在每個班表中能夠查巡更多水質測量點。SL1000 最多能同時執行多達四個比色測量和兩個電化學分析電極的測量,比其他方法快 75%。
省去手動測試的步驟 - 避免不確定因素和偏差
  • 創新 Chemkey®專利技術 - 測試過程無需使用粉枕包和比色皿
  • 操作只需三步驟:插入Chemkey®試劑卡,讓儀器吸入水樣,讀取分析數據
  • 一台儀器可同時完成比色和電化學相關水質測試
詳細產品資訊 請點進產品網頁 :
Hach's SL250 Portable Parallel Analyzer (PPA) is an innovative multiparameter water quality meter that allows you to simultaneously perform colorimetric and probe-based measurements. The instrument and corresponding Chemkey reagents are easy to use regardless of technical expertise. Compared to traditional powder or liquid reagent methods, Chemkeys use a simplified testing method that requires no sample preparation, making the process significantly easier, faster, and safer while drastically reducing variability in results.
Colorimetric tests include free chlorine, total chlorine, fluoride, high range manganese, zinc, copper, nitrite, dissolved iron, high and low range alkalinity, high and low range orthophosphate, high and low range hardness, peracetic acid, and more.
Probe-based tests include pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, and more.
Hach SL1000 Portable Parallel Analyzer® (PPA) performs the same tests with less than half the manual steps. Get highly accurate results, with less opportunity for errors, in a fraction of the time. Up to six parameters, tested in parallel. The SL1000 is a portable colorimeter that provides 75% faster testing in chloramination applications by using Chemkey reagents instead of powder pillows. All chemicals and processes are entirely contained inside the Chemkey.
Colorimetric tests include: monochloramine, free and total ammonia, free and total chlorine, nitrite, copper, high and low range orthophosphate, high and low range hardness, high and low range alkalinity, dissolved iron, and peracetic acid.
Probe-based tests include: pH, conductivity, ORP, dissolved oxygen, nitrate, and fluoride (temperature is included with each probe).