網路研討會>洞悉您的冷卻水:了解腐蝕並延長您的(設備)資產壽命 Get Direct Insight Into Your Cooling Water: Understanding Corrosion & Extending Asset Life
Webinar 主題 : Get Direct Insight Into Your Cooling Water: Understanding Corrosion & Extending Asset Life
During this presentation we will explore challenges in cooling water and utilizing direct parameter monitoring versus surrogate measurements. Improved visibility can help to extend asset life, minimize unplanned downtime, and increase profitability.  
我們將探討冷卻水的挑戰以及利用直接參數監測 vs. 替代測量。 提高可視度有助於延長您的(設備)資產壽命,將無預期的停機時間降至最小程度,並提升獲利能力。
Duration 研討會時間長度 : 1 hour 一小時
Learning Objectives 學習目標
Economic considerations in the cooling water cycle  冷卻水循環中的經濟考慮
Cooling water triangle: deposition, biofouling, corrosion 冷卻水三角:沉積、生物污垢、腐蝕
Key parameters to monitor 監控關鍵參數
Chloride stress corrosion cracking in heat exchangers 熱交換器中的氯化物應力腐蝕裂縫
Complementary online and laboratory solutions 互補的線上和實驗室解決方案
Q&A : Interact with presenters during the live question and answer session 問答環節
日期與時間 : Wed, Jun 23, 2021 10:00 AM CEST(中歐時間) 台北時間6月23日(三)下午4:00pm~5:00pm
Presenters 主講者
Norbert Rademacher
Application Development Manager
Stephan Pohland
Global Key Account Manager
Register Now
This English language webinar is offered free of charge. The presentation will take approximately 40 minutes, followed by a Q&A session. Use this opportunity to gain and share knowledge with minimal impact on your busy schedule.  
此網絡研討會活動免費,以英語發音。 主講時間約40分鐘,隨後是問答環節。
Not able to join the webinar on the day?
Don’t worry! After you register for the live event, you will receive a link to the website where after the webinar is complete, you can listen to the recorded session as well as access the download library for relevant Hach documentation.
註冊報名後若無法準時參加, 會後您將會收到錄音版的連結, 可於稍後點進觀看聆聽.