水中(超低濃度)餘氯、總氯和亞硫酸鹽分析比色計 DR1300 FL Fluorometer
Portable lab meter for ultra low range chlorine and sulfite detection DR1300 光學法比色計分析水中超低濃度的餘氯、總氯和亞硫酸鹽

The DR1300 FL portable fluorometer instrument, combined with specially formulated reagents* create a fluorescence that indicates chlorine at ultra low ranges. DR1300 FL offers the most simple way to be confident that chlorine has been removed or reduced from your process. This groundbreaking technology is available only from Hach.

Measure free and total chlorine plus sulfite in the low ppb range 測量低 ppb 範圍內的餘氯和總氯以及亞硫酸鹽 :
Free Chlorine 餘氯 : 2 - 100 µg/L Cl₂
Total Chlorine 總氯 : 3 - 100 µg/L Cl₂
Sulfite 亞硫酸鹽 : 6 - 500 µg/L SO₃

The DR1300 FL provides portable tests for free and total chlorine as low as 2 ppb and sulfite down to 6 ppb. DR1300 FL 攜帶型光學法比色計可檢測低至 2 ppb 的餘氯和總氯, 以及低至 6 ppb 的亞硫酸鹽。

With this knowledge, you’ll gain the insights you need to manage your dechlorination process and avoid chlorine damage to reverse osmosis (RO) membranes and other valuable assets. 有了這些準確的測量數據,您可以更有效地管理脫氯過程,並避免氯氣對逆滲透(RO)薄膜和其他設備造成損害。

Key Benefits :
• Provides precise and accurate results
• Tests are easy-to-perform, with ULR analysis in minutes 幾分鐘即可完成分析
• Reduce biofouling potential 減少生物污染的可能性
• Save on dechlorination costs 節省脫氯成本
• Handles traditional interferences with ease
• Bluetooth capability allows easy data transfer
• Decrease in toxic reagents and chemical waste (as detector chemical addition is a fraction of traditional tests)

*Please note that Reagents are not included and need to be purchased separately.

關鍵字 : 手提式 比色計, 手提式 餘氯計, 總氯計, 水 亞硫酸鹽 分析, 超低濃度 氯 含量
Protect Your Assets
Too much chlorine causes irreversible membrane damage, too little and you'll be cleaning more frequently from biofouling. Accuracy in your water analysis protects your assets, and now you have the control to consistently measure down to 2 ppb chlorine and 6 ppb sulfite with industry-first fluorescence testing methods.  過多的氯會導致不可逆的逆滲透薄膜的損耗,而過少的氯會更頻繁地清除生物污垢。 準確的水質分析可保護您廠區內的設備,現在您可以使用業界首創的光學法來測量最低至 2 ppb 的氯和最低至 6 ppb 的亞硫酸鹽濃度。

Monitor and Optimize Your Dechlorination Process  監控和優化脫氯過程
Your process may benefit from low levels of residual chlorine. Reduce biofouling potential and save on dechlorination costs by testing for sulfite and chlorine at ultra-low levels. You will be able to adjust your bisulfite feed or GAC process and keep a low chlorine presence to avoid downtime and corrective measures.  透過測試超低濃度的亞硫酸鹽和氯來降低生物污染的可能性並節省脫氯成本。您將能夠因應調整亞硫酸鹽進料或 GAC 製程並保持低氯含量,以避免停機和糾正措施。
Depend on Direct Measurements  有效直接測量
The DR1300 FL provides portable tests for free and total chlorine as low as 2 ppb and sulfite down to 6 ppb. It works with your monitoring and control tools to improve your current process. You will get quick and easy direct measurements to help ensure product quality.   可攜式 DR1300 FL 可現場檢測低至 2 ppb 的餘氯和總氯以及低至 6 ppb 的亞硫酸鹽。可與您的線上監控設備協同工作,以改善流程。快速簡便的直接測量結果,幫助確保產品品質。
New Fluorescence Technology 新型光學技術
Groundbreaking ultra-low range fluorescence tests from Hach offer easy-to-perform ultra-low range solutions for free or total chlorine and sulfite. The DR1300 FL and fluorescence methods overcome many common interferences as well. You get the precision and accuracy you need.   Hach 突破性超低濃度螢光測試技術為餘氯或總氯和亞硫酸鹽提供容易執行的解決方案。 此技術有效克服許多常見的干擾以獲得所需的精度和準確度。